Sunday 23 September 2012 Sunday 30 Sep


Well as you can see I managed to attach some photos but I cheated by going onto the computer.  Couldn't  figure out how to do it on the iPad .  I'm sure there has to be a way of doing it but its beyond me at the moment.

I guess summer is now over.  Woke up this morning to rain pounding against the window.  I am thinking it is nature's way of telling me that the leaking roof is still waiting to be fixed as there was a drip drip dripping into our bedroom.  Nice!  It's been raining all day, every time I go down to the shed for a beer I get soaked?

Here's a completely random question for you.  Do seagulls drink sea water?  Don't know where that came from but I wonder what the answer is!


The start of another week in the Imprints business empire.  Usually Reuben works on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but his college days have changed and so Mum is working on Monday and Tuesday instead of Thursday and Friday.


Mum is out with the laydees this evening, I think they are going to Prezzos because they have got  money saving vouchers.  Hannah is at Matt's place which means that it's channel Dave all night on the TV and something spicy for tea!  Actually ended up having one of my pasta and tomato veggie combos but with a touch of chilli to give it a little kick.


Nothing of note happened on Wednesday so here we are on Thursday.  T'was blooming cold this morning so I put the heating on for the first time this autumn, just got home from work and the house is like a sauna!  Heating off again!  I suspect you are trying to find ways to cool off rather than heat up.  Mum is working all week to cover Louisa who has taken her boyfriend , Baz, to Alton Towers for his birthday treat.  Another case of Baz on the Raz!


Hannah really, really, really, really wanted take away for tea, so everyone had McDonald's except for me, I had Chinese, special chow mien.  Haven't had that for a while, was lovely.  After tea, whilst Matt was playing with his new Fifa x box game, Hannah cut my hair.  I've only been waiting since before you left for Peru.  But she's done a good job, its nearly as short as Matt's but without the stripe and should last me another 6 months.  Heating back on!
Yep, its true, my beard is longer than my hair!


A really good day in the shop, quite busy but with a lot of people collecting and paying.  It's so nice when the customer pays!  In the evening we went to Wendy and Andrew's for a BBQ.  Was really nice and we all sat outside until it got just too cold and then went in to eat and drink some more.  Becky and Jordan and Kat and Sam were there too.  Last night it was a clear sky with a full moon, it was just like walking home in daylight.

Has Andrew managed to get in touch with you about camera models that might be suitable?  Next time I see him I'll ask him again and put the results in next week's blog.

I'm trying to get some sneaky pics of Mum to put on here but you know what she's like when a camera comes out!  The mission is proving to be pretty impossible but I'll keep trying.

Happy Birthday for Tuesday, twenty how many, Ha ha, hope you have a great day, we'll try to ring or txt or something.

Until next time, loads of love from us all here in autumnal Taunton, XxX

1 comment:

  1. loving the blog dad keep it going and yes sea gulls do drink sea water they have special nasal glands which regulate the ionic balance in the blood and the salt is process through the kidneys and excess through the glands to allow them to drink salt water and not dehydrate but this process uses a lot of energy and given the choice will perfur to drink fresh water

    lots of love becca
