Sunday 7 October 2012

First week of October

Monday 1 Oct

Busy day in the shop.  It seems like Sabrina is allergic to Mondays, she called in sick today.  I think that makes it three Mondays in the last month where she hasn't come in for one reason or another.

The handle on my garden rake broke this evening. Shame, cos I wanted to do a bit of tidying in the garden.  The evenings are drawing in quite quickly now.  It's dark by 7:30.  Ah we'll, it's an excuse to put the job off to another day.

Tuesday 2 Oct

Happy Birthday to Becca, happy birthday to you.  Hope your having a wonderful day in the uloo.  Wish we could be there to celebrate with you.  Next time you check your bank account you should find a little something in there which we hope comes in u - seful.  Happy Birthday to Becca, Happy Birthday to you.  That's it, I've run out of endings that rhyme with oo.  T'was lovely to talk to you on the phone this evening.  Hope you had a fun filled day.

Spent a couple of hours this evening bringing the business accounts up to date.  Was important to do it because not only is it the end of month but also the end of a VAT quarter and we have to make a return to those men in the bowler hats in Whitehall.

Wednesday 3Oct

Chilli Plant
 I was looking at the chilli plant that Hannah and Matt got me and guess what - it seems we have a chilli growing.  There are lots of flowers which I hope means more fruits to come .  I've brought the plant into the kitchen from the shed as the night temperatures are getting a little cool now.  Can you see the fruit in the pic?  I am a bit worried because as you can see, something is eating the leaves but I can't see anything.  Perhaps a blast of fly spray may do the trick.

Here's one for you - Do green chillis stay green or do they go red if you leave them on the plant long enough? and do you get chillis growing in the wild in the Tampobata area?

Thursday 4 Oct

Was supposed to be going out for a curry with the boys tonight but Andrew had forgotten all about it and had already had his tea so we cancelled!  So instead I mended the rake and did a bit in the garden until it got dark.
Hannah with her Birthday T shirt from Becca

Friday 5 Oct

Woke up this morning with a touch of gout in my left big toe. It must be at least a month since the last attack. Thankfully I have some tablets left over from the last time, just got to wait for them to kick in.

Saturday 6 Oct

Its World Smile Day today?  (According to Google) Big grins all round please!  The latest blog from Peru arrived on the interweb, fantastic phots and a real insight to Becca's work out there.  Fascinating stuff.
Not a bad day in the shop.  Mum decided to do the weekly shop today.  Her routine of shopping on Thursday has been thrown out of kilter because she is working on Monday and Tuesday now.  The gout was pretty bad today, was difficult to drive.  Strictly Come Dancing has started again on the TV.  Its not so bad but would be far better if  Bruce Forsyth (nice to see you, to see you nice!) wasn't hosting.  I think he is getting a bit past it.

Soooooo, from us all here in Trull, Keeeeeeeeep Dancing!

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