Sunday 28 October 2012

The Gold Post Box Edition

Sunday 21 Oct.

Having mentioned it in last week's episode I should really have posted the photo then but here it is in all its glory,  Trull's very own golden letter box!  Stunning isn't it?  And on the right is Deb Criddle with her gold and 2 silver Olympic medals.  I reckon that she has done really well and the achievement is even more impressive when you consider she has only one arm.

Moved the chilli plant from the kitchen window sill into the dining room.  The plant was getting too big for the kitchen and I'm hoping the less of a change in temperature from day to night will stop the blossom drop and we might get some more fruit.

Monday 22 Oct. 

Hannah forgot her keys today and so was locked out of the house until I got home.  Let her in then went back into town to pick up Mum from the weekly shopping in Sainsburys.  Felt rather tired and so flopped in front of the box for the rest of the evening.

Tuesday 23 Oct.

The good news today is that I have heard from the Nursing Home and Granddad went into hospital on Friday 19th for his exploratory and everything appears to be OK.  Just wish the Home had informed me when he was admitted.  Perhaps it was my fault for not asking the GP.  But at least the cancer has not returned.

Wednesday 24 Oct.

Saw Andrew today and asked him how Becky was doing.  She's just started at Musgrove.  I think she is finding it a little difficult, chucked in at the deep end in a new place, not knowing anyone or knowing her way around.  I'm sure she'll find her feet and will be happier and more confident as time passes.  They've already got her working 12 hour shifts!

Thursday 25 Oct.

Took Ray and Dee to hospital this afternoon.  Ray had to go in for a check up and Nev didn't have a car available.  Just as we arrived at Musgrove so did the air ambulance.  The landing spot is right in front of the main building and so we got a ring side seat watching the emergency services do there thing.

Found this picture of lightning and a volcano erupting.  Apparently it was taken in Chile which isn't too far from you right now.  Don't know how old it is but I thought you might like the expression of natural energy it portrays.

Friday 26 Oct.

Sabrina has got tickets to go and see the Rolling Stones at the O2 arena next month.  She is going with her Mum, its a shame she hasn't got a friend she can go with, but I expect her Mum is well pleased!  She tried to get them when they first went on sale but they had sold out within 7 minutes!  So we don't know how she got hold of them and she won't tell us how much she paid, which must mean she paid a lot for them!
It looks like Ray will be in hospital throughout the weekend while they do tests on him to find out exactly what the problem is.  Nev puts a brave face on it but I can tell he is more than a little worried, and from what he says, Dee is starting to show the signs of dementia.  My Dad said it to me and I'm saying it to you - DONT GET OLD - it sucks!  I don't think Granddad said "it sucks" - I added that bit to show that I am still "down with the kids!"

Saturday 27 Oct.

Woke up this morning with the tell tale pain in my big toe.  Another attack of gout, which got progressively worse during the day in the shop.  Looks like another trip to the doctor to get some more pills on Monday, hopefully I've got enough to last me through the weekend.  No red wine for me this evening!
Andrew came around to the shop this morning for the traditional Saturday bacon roll.  I asked him about which make of camera would be good for your needs.  He reckons anything Fuji is good value for money, will produce good photos and are easy to operate.  He did say though, that he wasn't sure if there was a branch of The London Camera Exchange in Puerto Maldonardo but the sale of Fuji cameras is worldwide.
Had KFC for tea.  Is there a MacDonalds in Puerto Madonardo?  Even if there isn't I bet you can buy bottles/cans of Coca Cola!
The outside temperature this morning going to work was just 1 degree C, burrrrrr!

Looking forward to your next blog update, no pressure, we know its difficult without having internet access on your doorstep.

Until next time...........

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