Sunday 4 November 2012

Mum's Birthday Edition

Sunday 28 Oct.

The clocks went back last night and so we all had an extra hour in bed which was nice.  It was good to hear you on the phone today, albeit very briefly, but it is important that we get this Student Finance problem sorted out.  You have to ask why they make things so difficult.
Mum did a roast for just the two of us, Hannah and Matt were out, and we spent the rest of the day in front of the box doing IPad stuff!
It looks like moving the chilli plant has worked as I have noticed that there is another fruit growing.

Monday 29 Oct.

The schools have all broken up for half term so the junction of Church Road and Wild Oak Lane isn't its normal chaotic self for the drive into work.
Put the heating on in the shop for the first time this year.

Tuesday 30 Oct.

Myself and Nev took a trip to Congresbury to see our accountant today, leaving the girls in charge of the shop.  We have classified today  as our second worse day takings wise.  Would you believe that less than £10.00 went through the till!
Hope you got the texts from Mum regarding the contact details for UWE Registration.

Wednesday 31 Oct.

Its Halloween - spooky!  Glad to hear you got Mum's texts for the UWE contact.  Hope you managed to get everything sorted but I suspect it will take more than one call to achieve the aim.
Takings today were more than 200 times yesterday's - weird ain't it!  So it was a good day at work.

Thursday 1 Nov.

Mad panic to buy Mum some Birthday Presents, I've left it to the last minute again!  I did remember to get her a card this year though.
Sold my shares in Home Group (they are the company that owns Argos) making a nice 6.3% profit.
Discovered that my old earphones (bought on a flight to some holiday destination that I don't remember) work on my iPad, so spent the evening watching Shameless.  The iPad copes with video feed much better than the computer upstairs, which suggests that it might need renewing to a more modern device.

Friday 2 Nov

Happy Birthday Mum.  Hannah had the day off so she and Mum went to Street for the day for some retail therapy.  Then in the evening after opening her presents, Hannah and Matt got a take-away tea.  McDonalds for Han and Mum, fish and chips for me and Matt.
Rhubarb came in limping and looking sorry for himself.  Looks like he has been bitten in the front leg, so if it doesn't get better on its own I guess it will be a trip to the vets to get him sorted out.

Saturday 3 Nov

Nev had the day off and so it was only Sabrina and me in the shop.  It wasn't particularly busy but we took a few quid.
We went to the Sanctuary restaurant for Mum's birthday meal.  The food was really good, Mum went veggie, I had lamb, Matt had steak and Han surprisingly had pork.  They even managed to get a bottle of Asti in for Mum which was well appreciated.  Afterwards we had a couple of drinks in the Castle on the Green pub which is the name of the old Firestones where Han used to work.  A very pleasant evening all round.
Won a tenner on the National Lottery.

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday mum!!!

    sorry for the big phone bill :S

    congrats on the lotto win and the fruit on the chilli plant
