Sunday 11 November 2012

Guy Fawkes Edition

Sunday 4 Nov.

Walked into town to pick up the car.  A pleasant stroll and I only got caught once by the rain.
Received an e-mail from Scottish power telling me they are going to put the gas and electric prices up in December.  According to "YouSwitch" I could save almost £300 a year by switching to another company, so I reckon that's a no-brainer and have started the procedure.  They reckon it could take about a month to complete.
While in the mood for switching thought I'd check out BT's Infinity Broadband.  Its supposed to be really fast.  Went on the site, put our tel number in the checker and apparently it is available in our area.  Started the application process only to discover that it actually isn't available to us.  Wish they'd make up their minds!

Monday 5 Nov

Rhubarb didn't get any better over the weekend so we had a trip to the vets.  An injection of pain killer and anti biotics and some pills for the rest of the week should have him sorted out.
Guy Fawkes night.  Not a lot of fireworks, I think it all sort of happened on Saturday.

Tuesday 6 Nov

There's always someone who ruins a photo!
Nothing of note today so I thought you might like this pic!

Wednesday 7 Nov

It's time to start thinking about Christmas.  Mum has done the cake.  Presents, lets get those wish lists in early. That also includes those who happen to be spending the festive season in the Amazon Jungle!

Thursday 8 Nov

The green chilli on the plant has now turned red.  It isn't very big, about an inch long I guess.  I wonder if this means it is a really hot one.

Friday 9 Nov

One of those, got up, went to work, came home, glass of wine in the shed, had tea, watched telly, went to bed, kind of days!

Saturday 10 Nov

Becky has decided to resign from her job at Musgrove Park Hospital.  Andrew is trying to persuade her to chill out and take a break.  So we did her a "WWBD" (what would Becca do) T shirt.
Andrew came round for a "solving the world's problems" session in the shed this evening.  We had a couple of beers and talked a load of stuff, lit a fire. T'was good.
Rhubarb is back to his normal self but has started using the dining room as a toilet.  Not sure what that is all about.
.....and there we have it for another week.

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