Sunday 27 January 2013

The Second Snow of 2013

Sunday 21 Jan

Bit of a lazy day really.  Nearly signed up for BT Broadband infinity. (its their really super-fast broadband service) but for some reason they said we would have to change our tel number?  Not sure we want to go through all the hassle of doing that.  I might give them a call tomorrow to see if this is really the case.

Monday 22 Jan

Looks like Han and her mate Shan have found a flat they would like.  Its in Park Street, by Rhona Gilmore, which is almost opposite the County Court.  Hope that gives you an idea of where it is. We've just got to wait for all the credit checks and legal stuff to be done.

Tuesday 23 Jan

A quiet day in the shop.  Serious dump of snow this afternoon and evening.  This should mean that the country will descend into utter chaos as far as transportation is concerned.

Wednesday 24 Jan

Snowed again for most of the morning but it had all stopped by lunch time.  Hannah built a snowman in the garden but sadly, not long after it was built the head fell off.

Thursday 25 Jan

Hey! I've just bought some Cusquena Peruvian beer.  Its really not bad.  Have you tried it?

Friday 26 Jan

I think I'm getting another gout attack.  My left big toe is getting really quite sore.  
Some serious rain this evening has washed away almost all of the snow.  There is just a little mound where Han's snowman stood.

Saturday 27 Jan

Definitely a gout attack, sore toe again today.  I think I'll blame it on the Cusquena, although I only had one!
.......or was it 2!
Han is at Matt's this evening.  Fish and chips for tea - thought it may make a nice change, haven't had them for some time.
Sunny morning but more heavy rain this evening.
Comeytrowe lane is flooded again.  Think Andrew is getting a little worried, that sharp corner where you turn into New Rd was also flooded.

Sunday 20 January 2013

The First Snow of 2013 Edition

Sunday 13 Jan.

Hooray - Mum managed a full night in bed.  The first time since Christmas!
Bottled the Gran Cru (home-made Belgian beer) and put the Christmas decorations back in the loft for another year.
Han said she has found a flat she would like to  have a look at.  Its one of those new ones at the bottom of Compass Hill.  She said she thought it was about time she had her own place as she would be 25 this year.

Monday 14 Jan.

Han checked with the agents but the flat had already been snapped up, so she's back to looking again.
Spent quite a lot of time phoning customers that owe us money, some debts going back to June last year.  Most of them know they owe us and give some pretty pathetic excuses why they haven't paid.

Tuesday 15 Jan.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report today.  Hannah is staying over at Collumpton with Matt tonight.  Forgot to tell you, I got Nev and Andrew a Shite shirt each so we should look out of this world on the next curry night!  Phots to follow!

Wednesday 16 Jan.

Mum went down the Winch with the ladies this evening, leaving Hannah and me to fend for ourselves.  Han fancied pizza but I didn't and knocked myself up a pork stir fry.

Thursday 17 Jan.

Ummmmmmmm!  Something must have happened today but for the life of me I can't remember it!

Friday 18 Jan.

Woke up to snow this morning.  To be honest we were expecting it.  The media have been trying to do their normal thing of creating panic by talking of blizzards and of over exaggerating the situation.
The news this evening was full of doom and gloom - traffic disruption on the roads and railways and flights cancelled!  Its just a bit of snow for Christ's sake!
Having said that we closed the shop at 4pm to day because it was so slow.  First time we have ever done that!
Good to hear you on the phone this evening.  Sorry to hear about your toothache - you must get it sorted out though.

Saturday 19 Jan

What little snow we did have stayed overnight as the temperature stayed below zero but we didn't get any more.  It seems that Wales and the area near to Gloucester got the worst (or best) of it!
Good day in the shop with the traditional bacon and egg roll in the morning from Pain et Vin.
Han has decided to share a flat with a work mate to make it more affordable.  I think it is a good idea as long as they don't fall out with each other within the first  week.  So we are now looking for a two bed flat in Taunton.

Sunday 13 January 2013

The Shite Shirt Edition

My Shite Shirt

Sunday 6 Jan

Hoorah!  Mum managed to get to bed last night and  get some proper sleep.
It was a misty morning but Hannah cycled into work.
Normal Sunday chores then had a bit of a tidy in the shed - getting rid of the empty bottles and cardboard boxes ready for recycling.
One of the draw fronts' on the kitchen cabinets fell off.  Well I say fell off but it is more likely that it was forced off by the amount of stuff that was crammed into the draw.  Hopefully I can repair it.
Then it was lazy Sunday afternoon in front of the box.

Monday 7 Jan

Another rough night on the sofa has persuaded Mum to go to the doctor's.  They've given her some pills which will hopefully do the trick.
Hannah departed for Centre Parcs  at Longleat with Matt and his family.  They are spending the week there. Hope they have a great time.
Louisa is back at work.

Tuesday 8 Jan

On the way home this evening it became apparent that one of the bulbs in the headlights has blown.  I shall have to make a trip to Halfords tomorrow to get another.

Wednesday 9 Jan.

You'd think changing the headlight bulb would be quite simple?  I discovered this evening that it wasn't as simple as you may think!  I was going to change both but when I opened the bonnet I discovered that to change the driver's side bulb (thankfully the one that had blown) you had to remove the windscreen washer filler tube to get to the back of the fitting, then because of the layout you had to change the unit blind because you can't see anything!  I think I managed it.  The passenger side is another problem altogether, you have to remove the battery and its holder before you can even think about the bulb!  I didn't go there this time!

Thursday 10 Jan.

My Shite Shirt in all it's glory - ain't it fab!
Went out for a curry this evening with Andrew and Nev.  We went to the Blue Mango which used to be The Westgate Inn at the bottom of Compass Hill.  They've done a really good job of converting the pub into a restaurant and the food was delicious.
Mum is still battling the bug and has spent most night sleeping on the sofa.

Friday 11 Jan

Han and Matt returned from Centre Parcs and then immediately left again to go to Collumpton, I expect we will hear all about it when they get back tomorrow.

Saturday 12 Jan

Picked up Han and Mum from Sainsbury's on the way home.  They decided they were going to watch "Ice Age 4" on the blue-ray.  Yeah! OK, I watched it too!  So peanuts, crisps, pop-corn and a movie for Saturday evening - can't be bad!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Happy New Year

Sunday 30 Dec.

Both Mum and me are feeling pretty grotty, this bug has certainly taken hold of us.
I bottled the Abbey Beer today.  Not sure how well it will turn out, the fermentation wasn't as vigorous as in past brews which is why I left it a bit longer to do its stuff.  I also set the Gran Cru to brew.  Hopefully it will all be ready for the first "Shed Do" of 2013.  I'm guessing somewhere around March!

New Year's Eve.

 We decided not to go to Kent.  To be honest we are both still feeling rough and we didn't want to pass this bug on to Nan. Amazingly Hannah hasn't caught it off us (yet!)!  Nev tried to persuade us to go around to theirs to celebrate the New Year with them but we really didn't feel up to it.  Then later in the evening we had a phone call from Andrew (who, with Wendy, were at the Fish's) trying to persuade us to come round.  We had scrambled eggs on toast for tea!
Mum spoke to Nan a little after Midnight to discover that the only people that turned up at Nan's house were Graham, Jo and Greg.  It seems that everyone else has gone down with this bug, even Terry and Ann!
So we had a strange New Year, just the two of us, sniffling, sneezing and coughing our way into 2013!

New Year's Day.

Woke up this morning still feeling crap but at least the sun is shining and the sky is blue and we haven't seen that for quite some time.
Won £2.00 on an on-line lottery scratch card!  It cost £2.00 so I only got my money back.  Fingers crossed for tonight, they are making 25 millionaires.

Wednesday 2 Jan

Mum spent the night on the sofa because every time she lies down she starts coughing.
Needless to say we weren't one of the lucky 25!
Back to work today.  Louisa phoned in sick with toothache!

Thursday 3 Jan.

Mum spent the night on the sofa again.  Can't be good for her.
Louisa called in sick again and asked for the rest of the week as holiday.  There is always an ulterior reason with  everything Louisa does, I wonder what this one is.

Friday 4 Jan.

Another night on the sofa for Mum.  I feel a lot better.
I noticed the rhubarb is sprouting already.  I think this may be a little early in the year even for rhubarb.  The weather has turned really mild again.
Mum took down the Christmas decorations today, so that's its over for another year.

Saturday 5 Jan.

Yet another night on the sofa for Mum.  She just can't seem to get rid of this cough.
After work picked up Mum from Sainsbury's, she said she needed to get out of the house for some fresh air.
Popped around to Nev's to replace the electric isolator pull switch for their shower and then picked up Han from work.
A bit of Wyatts Field news - Graham Rogers (at number 8) has moved out of the house.  Mum over-heard on the bus that Mrs Rogers had died.  The place is now standing empty, so I expect we will have new people in the street before long.
And that's our first week of 2013.  not exactly the most exciting start to 2013!