Sunday 20 January 2013

The First Snow of 2013 Edition

Sunday 13 Jan.

Hooray - Mum managed a full night in bed.  The first time since Christmas!
Bottled the Gran Cru (home-made Belgian beer) and put the Christmas decorations back in the loft for another year.
Han said she has found a flat she would like to  have a look at.  Its one of those new ones at the bottom of Compass Hill.  She said she thought it was about time she had her own place as she would be 25 this year.

Monday 14 Jan.

Han checked with the agents but the flat had already been snapped up, so she's back to looking again.
Spent quite a lot of time phoning customers that owe us money, some debts going back to June last year.  Most of them know they owe us and give some pretty pathetic excuses why they haven't paid.

Tuesday 15 Jan.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report today.  Hannah is staying over at Collumpton with Matt tonight.  Forgot to tell you, I got Nev and Andrew a Shite shirt each so we should look out of this world on the next curry night!  Phots to follow!

Wednesday 16 Jan.

Mum went down the Winch with the ladies this evening, leaving Hannah and me to fend for ourselves.  Han fancied pizza but I didn't and knocked myself up a pork stir fry.

Thursday 17 Jan.

Ummmmmmmm!  Something must have happened today but for the life of me I can't remember it!

Friday 18 Jan.

Woke up to snow this morning.  To be honest we were expecting it.  The media have been trying to do their normal thing of creating panic by talking of blizzards and of over exaggerating the situation.
The news this evening was full of doom and gloom - traffic disruption on the roads and railways and flights cancelled!  Its just a bit of snow for Christ's sake!
Having said that we closed the shop at 4pm to day because it was so slow.  First time we have ever done that!
Good to hear you on the phone this evening.  Sorry to hear about your toothache - you must get it sorted out though.

Saturday 19 Jan

What little snow we did have stayed overnight as the temperature stayed below zero but we didn't get any more.  It seems that Wales and the area near to Gloucester got the worst (or best) of it!
Good day in the shop with the traditional bacon and egg roll in the morning from Pain et Vin.
Han has decided to share a flat with a work mate to make it more affordable.  I think it is a good idea as long as they don't fall out with each other within the first  week.  So we are now looking for a two bed flat in Taunton.

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