Sunday 6 January 2013

Happy New Year

Sunday 30 Dec.

Both Mum and me are feeling pretty grotty, this bug has certainly taken hold of us.
I bottled the Abbey Beer today.  Not sure how well it will turn out, the fermentation wasn't as vigorous as in past brews which is why I left it a bit longer to do its stuff.  I also set the Gran Cru to brew.  Hopefully it will all be ready for the first "Shed Do" of 2013.  I'm guessing somewhere around March!

New Year's Eve.

 We decided not to go to Kent.  To be honest we are both still feeling rough and we didn't want to pass this bug on to Nan. Amazingly Hannah hasn't caught it off us (yet!)!  Nev tried to persuade us to go around to theirs to celebrate the New Year with them but we really didn't feel up to it.  Then later in the evening we had a phone call from Andrew (who, with Wendy, were at the Fish's) trying to persuade us to come round.  We had scrambled eggs on toast for tea!
Mum spoke to Nan a little after Midnight to discover that the only people that turned up at Nan's house were Graham, Jo and Greg.  It seems that everyone else has gone down with this bug, even Terry and Ann!
So we had a strange New Year, just the two of us, sniffling, sneezing and coughing our way into 2013!

New Year's Day.

Woke up this morning still feeling crap but at least the sun is shining and the sky is blue and we haven't seen that for quite some time.
Won £2.00 on an on-line lottery scratch card!  It cost £2.00 so I only got my money back.  Fingers crossed for tonight, they are making 25 millionaires.

Wednesday 2 Jan

Mum spent the night on the sofa because every time she lies down she starts coughing.
Needless to say we weren't one of the lucky 25!
Back to work today.  Louisa phoned in sick with toothache!

Thursday 3 Jan.

Mum spent the night on the sofa again.  Can't be good for her.
Louisa called in sick again and asked for the rest of the week as holiday.  There is always an ulterior reason with  everything Louisa does, I wonder what this one is.

Friday 4 Jan.

Another night on the sofa for Mum.  I feel a lot better.
I noticed the rhubarb is sprouting already.  I think this may be a little early in the year even for rhubarb.  The weather has turned really mild again.
Mum took down the Christmas decorations today, so that's its over for another year.

Saturday 5 Jan.

Yet another night on the sofa for Mum.  She just can't seem to get rid of this cough.
After work picked up Mum from Sainsbury's, she said she needed to get out of the house for some fresh air.
Popped around to Nev's to replace the electric isolator pull switch for their shower and then picked up Han from work.
A bit of Wyatts Field news - Graham Rogers (at number 8) has moved out of the house.  Mum over-heard on the bus that Mrs Rogers had died.  The place is now standing empty, so I expect we will have new people in the street before long.
And that's our first week of 2013.  not exactly the most exciting start to 2013!

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