Sunday 24 March 2013

Back in Harness Edition

Monday 18 Mar

Heavy frost this morning but the sun was out so I didn't need to scrape the car windows.  
Nothing exceptional happened at work.
Mum did the weekly shopping.
Hannah started her new job, she seemed to enjoy it.  She and Matt stayed overnight, they are travelling to Liverpool tomorrow.  Not bad is it?  Start a new job one day and then go on 2 days holiday!!!

Tuesday 19 Mar

Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card - which was the sum total of the excitement for today!

Wednesday 20 Mar - Saturday 23 Mar

Heck, I'm sorry, I've not done any blogging this week.  Needless to say nothing much has been happening.  The weather is absolutely crap.  They've had heavy snow falls in the north of the country and floods (yes again) in the South West.  We've been ok here in Taunton but Devon and Cornwall have been hit pretty bad.
This time last year we were in the middle of a mini heat wave with the temperature in the 20s!!  There has to be something in the global warming thingy.

So, I think we'll put this one down for the week and promise to be more newsy next week.

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