Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter Bank Holiday Edition

Sunday 24 Mar

Hannah came over for Sunday lunch and told us a bit about her new job but spent most of the time looking at the photos on the memory card that you sent us.
Before I forget, I have done the guarantor thingy for the house in Bristol.
It was freezing outside so it was another Sunday in front of the box.  I've got a new game for the ipad - Real Racing 3 - its very good.
I wish the weather would warm up.  Mum got me this year's veggy seeds for Xmas, but its no good planting them yet because the temperature is just too cold.  Every time I look at the garden from the kitchen window I realise there is more to do to tidy it up

Monday 25 Mar

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and double Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.  This cold weather seems to be having an effect on shop takings, its easy to understand that people don't want to go wandering around town when its freezing.  Normal Monday routine, Mum did weekly shopping after work, sausage and mash for tea!

Tuesday 26 Mar

Another cold day, we had all the heaters on in the shop and we all had trouble keeping warm!  I thought it was global warming not global freezing!  
Had a call from Birdshill Nursing home asking me if it was possible to get Granddad a bus pass.  I have contacted Poole Borough Council but these things are not as easy as they first may seem.  They need him to go into their offices in person to apply - you can already see that this causes a problem.  I am waiting for them to call me back with a solution.

Wednesday 27 Mar

A really good day in the shop, loads of people collecting and paying which was nice.
As we were leaving for home it was snowing, not heavily but snowing all the same - it's nearly April for Christ's sake!

Thursday 28 Mar

There was still a dusting of snow this morning but it didn't last too long.
You must be getting bored of me complaining about the cold weather so I won't mention it again until the first BBQ of the year.
Another good day in the shop takings wise.

Good Friday 29 Mar

Me and Nev along with Maria and Louisa (who from now on will be called Doris!) were going to do the annual stock take today but for some unexplained reason Doris couldn't come into work.  Last year, because she needed the extra money she couldn't get in early enough!,  so the stock check has been cancelled.  I expect Me and Nev will do it on Saturday whilst we are open.
I thought I might do a bit in the garden as I have a day off .  I cleared the cat poop from the raised veg beds. Bloody animals are using the beds as toilets!  Not Rhubarb I hasten to add, I think all the local cats have scared the old feller off.  Next doors ginger cat and Rhubes seem to tolerate each other now but there is a new big black cat on the block who seems to dominate the area.
Hannah came round after work and stayed for tea.  I dropped her off back at the flat at about 10pm.  She seems to be settling into her job.

Saturday 30 Mar

Another good day in the shop takings wise and we managed to get the majority of the stock take done too.
Mum had fish and chips for tea and I had Chinese.  I can now look forward to 2 days off as Monday is also a bank holiday, Yippee

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