Sunday 3 March 2013

Hannah Moves into her New Flat Edition

Monday 25 Feb to Saturday 03 Mar

The moving day.  Certainly one to remember.  It all started when the letting agent arrived late.  The girls signed and initialled all the relevant documents.  So we follow the lady to read the electric meter, she opens the cupboard to be confronted with several meters and admitted she didn't know which one was for the flat. Trying to be helpful I suggested that it might be the one that was clearly marked 2nd Floor Flat.  But she was not convinced and took a photo so she could check it out back at the office????
Then we went to find and have a look at the garage.  The letting agent thought it was number 2B but the key wouldn't fit - but she said she would check it out back at the office.
We started ferrying Hannah's stuff to the flat.  The letting agent phoned back saying the garage was definitely number 2B and the key was new and so just needed a bit of jiggling.  So we went to have a jiggle to discover that the key didn't fit the lock at all - but it did fit the lock to garage number 2A.  For some reason the letting agent didn't want to come back and read the meter!
So I went back to work and Mum stayed with the girls to help out and offer motherly advice.
After work myself and Nev returned to the flat to put Hannah's new bed together and ferry a few of the heavier bits like the TV.  We returned to find that Mum and the girls had discovered that there was no water in the taps and so they had called the water board and because it was out of hours they couldn't get hold of the letting agents but had managed to contact the Landlord.  The man from the waterboard said there was no problem with the supply to the house so there must be a stop cock turned off somewhere.  But he did deliver a load of bottled water to keep the girls going.  The Landlord found the stop cock (after much searching) in the flat below.  He turned it on and lo there was water.  After congrats all round we all went to have a look around the flat below Han's.   When we got back Nev discovered that Han's kitchen was flooded!
So back down stairs, turn off the stop cock, mop up the flood.  The water was pouring out of the pipe that would feed the washing machine, the tap on it did not work.  Luckily we discovered another isolating valve further back along the pipe work and so we stopped that.  Back downstairs to turn the stop cock back on.  The second valve was holding and so at last the girls had water to the flat but not to the kitchen cold tap.  The Landlord said he would arrange for a plumber to call the next day to rectify the fault.  (he was true to his word a plumber did arrive the very next day and fix it).
Myself and Nev then set about putting together Hannah's new bed, which went smoothly (thankfully).  Then it was back to our house to collect the TV and Fred the Ted.
Han treated us all to a MacDonald's for supper and Mum and me got home about 10:30.  Certainly was a day to remember.
On Tuesday we popped in again to deliver a couple of items of furniture from the flat above the shop that no one wanted, but would come in handy for Han and Chan until they find something else.
Popped in again on Thursday evening to put together a flat packed chest of drawers that Han had delivered to Wyatts Field.  They delivered at 7.30am!!  Good old Argos!!  Didn't manage to get it all done so am having to go to the flat again, probably on Saturday.
Back to the flat on Saturday to finish off the chest of drawers.  Meant to get a few phots of the place but I forgot,  but I expect Han will put some on FB eventually, if she hasn't already.
So, the girls are settling into the flat and Mum and me are trying to get used to it being just us in the house alone.  It seems a little strange.  Han is moving back in next week to house sit and look after Rhubarb whilst we are in Fuerteventura.
Guess what the next edition is going to be called?

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