Monday 25 February 2013

The Selfish Edition

Sunday 17 Feb

A nice bright sunny day for a change, still a little chilly but it was nice to see the sun.  Changed the other headlight bulb in the car.  It wasn't quite the nightmare I was expecting but still not as easy as it should have been.

Monday 18 Feb

I forgot to tell you that because of a Council cock-up we have been able to park all day in town for nothing. The Council spent something like £3 million to move the grass from outside the museum and behind what was the Winchester Arms to what was a perfectly good and income generating car park on the other side of the road that leads into the Castle Hotel.  Apparently the idea was to make an "open space".  But because of some legal shenanigans they cannot prevent cars parking in this new "open space"!  The County Gazette have got hold of the story and instead of berating the Council for an ill conceived project (that very few people wanted) they have dubbed us that park there as "Selfish".  They took photos over several days and guess who's car is in them all?!  This free car park saves us £46.80 a week in car parking charges that we were paying to park at the Brewhouse.  Even the traffic wardens laugh when they pass by!

Tuesday 19 Feb

Guess where we parked again today - selfish or what!

Wednesday 20 Feb

Frosty again this morning.  
Heard on the news that the Brewhouse Theatre is closing this evening after the last performance.
Looks like they have run out of funds.  The recession is really starting to bite now, Comet the
electrical retailer has gone broke, Blockbuster the video/DVD sale and hire has closed down, Game has gone, HMV will be closing what will be next?

Thursday 21 Feb

Mum went out with the ladies this evening.  They went for a bite to eat and a natter in the Cosy Club, leaving me and Han to cope by ourselves, which we did, just!

Friday 22 Feb

Another of those get up, go to work, come home, have tea, watch tv and go to bed sort of days!

Saturday 23 Feb

Went over to see grandad today. Got there about 12:30 to find the old feller in bed.  The sister said he had decided not to get up and so didn't.  But he did cheer up when he saw I had bought along a bottle of wine and another of whiskey.  
I got home in time to watch England thrash the French 23-13 in the Six Nations.  England's grand slam hopes remain alive

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