Sunday 17 February 2013

Valentine's Day Edition

Sunday 10 Feb.

The washing machine broke on Saturday.  Went and collected the new one on Sunday and was installing it when you rang.  It was good to have a chat with you, but I think both Mum and myself forgot to ask if you had managed to get your tooth sorted out.

Monday 11 Feb.

Got a touch of the gout back in my left big toe.

Tuesday 12 Feb

Pancake Day.  Pancakes for tea!

Wednesday 13 Feb.

Spring must be nearly here, the cherry tree at the front of the house has started to blossom.

Thursday 14 Feb

Valentines Day!  Mum and me exchanged cards.  Hannah was working late and Matt had an early start so they didn't see each other on the most romantic day of the year.  Hope everything is ok with them both.

Friday 15 Feb

Nightmare day at work.  My computer wouldn't start properly, had to call our friendly geek.  Thankfully he managed to talk me through a process over the phone that got things up and running again, but the time that it took put me back a couple of hours and so spent the rest of the day trying to catch up.

Saturday 16 Feb

It was Nev's turn for a Saturday off and so it was just me and Sabrina in the shop.  A very good day takings wise.
In the evening we went to Nev and Honours for (what has become) the traditional Valentines meal.  The food as always was fabulous and it gave Hon the chance to use her heart shaped stuff, plates, decorations and the like.  We came away from the table utterly stuffed but it was sooooooo nice.  Apart from us, Andrew and Wendy and Andy and Deb (Brown) were there too.
Sorry no phots this week.

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