Sunday 10 February 2013

The Man Flu Edition

The Peruvian team in National dress
I've been feeling pretty unwell this week.  Reckon it is a serious case of Man Flu.  Andrew has had the same so we reckon we picked up a lurgy at the Beer Pong night.  So instead of writing a few lines each day, I've decided to summarise the week in one go
I guess the big news of the week is that Hannah went for a job interview on Friday.   I'm led to believe it is a full time position but on the down side it is in Wellington. She is desperate to get away from the Card Factory.  However I do see where she is coming from, even with the bus fares, it being a full time job she is still going to be better off financially.  The hourly rate is better too but (and there always is a but) they will want her to do night shifts. The best news is that they contacted her on Saturday to let her know she got the job! Not sure when she is due to start, she has to do CRB checks and hand in her notice to the Card Factory etc.  But I suspect she would be more than happy to start tomorrow!

I have checked the Abbey Beer twice now.  In other words I have drunk two bottles - wow it blows yer socks off!   So my concerns about it being flat are unfounded!

The winners
On Tuesday we went to see Hannah's new flat.  It is in Park Street, above Rhona Gilmore's, opposite the law courts.  Happily surprised, it is really quite sizeable, I really like it.  Both Hannah and Shan have a double bedroom each, then there is a large lounge, kitchen and bathroom and enough room in the hallway to have a party!!!!  On Monday we went over to Hankridge to get her a new bed and mattress from Benson Beds which is due to be delivered on moving in day (Monday 25 Feb).

Reuben says Hi
The Peruvian Team in action
Did I mention that Mum and Me are off to Fuerteventura for a week in the sun?  Thought it was about time we had a holiday.  Both Nev and myself are confident enough with the business now to allow the other to take some time off.  We fly off on the morning of Wednesday March 06 from Bristol Airport.  Andrew is going to drive us to save us paying for parking.  We are staying for a week in the Suite Hotel Atlantis in Corralejo.  I can't wait, I'm really looking forward to the break and the chance to recharge the batteries.  Mum was going through the "Brown Family Archive" and discovered that we last went to Fuerteventura in 1997!  Can you believe that was 16 years ago!  We stayed at the Castillo Playa Apartments then, and you and Han spent more time in the pool than there were hours in the day! Happy Times.  This was our first holiday after Disney.  I bet you can't remember the name of the restaurant we went to a couple of times, the one where the ice cream desserts were so big you and Han had to share one and still didn't finish it!  It was called the El Mahay.  I've tried to find it on the web but it looks like it may have closed down.  Such a shame, the food was fab and they made such a fuss of you and Han.
Andrew trying to talk it in!

Sorry about the phots but I thought you would like to see the Peruvian Beer Pong Team in all their glory!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE SHIRTS GUYS!!! well done on getting to the final peru will be proud!!!
