Thursday 7 February 2013

The Beer Pong Edition

Sunday 27 Jan

Chill out day.  Ate some food, drank some wine, watched some telly.

Monday 28 Jan.

Han got news that she and Shan have passed all the checks and have got the flat.  They are planning to move  in around 25 Feb.  I guess that will give them a little time to get stuff together etc.

Tuesday 29 Jan

Won £10.00 with an on-line scratch card!
Went to the Winch this evening with Mum, Han and Matt, for a bite to eat and a couple of beers.  Made a nice change from sitting in front of the telly.  It was "Burger and a Beer" night, so I had beef stroganoff and Mum had fish and chips!

Wednesday 30 Jan


Thursday 31 Jan

Bought a couple of cases of Cusquena in preparation for Josh's Birthday Beer Pong evening on Saturday.  Myself and Andrew are forming the Peruvian team.  Full update on Sunday if I've recovered by then!

Friday 1 Feb

Won £2.00 with an on-line scratch card.  It cost £2 so I really only got my money back!
Opened a bottle of the Abbey Beer which I bottled about a month ago.  I was expecting it to be flat but to my surprise it was just right.  Another couple of weeks maturing and it should be ready for drinking.

Saturday 2 Feb

BEER PONG NIGHT!  Went round to Nev's at about 7.30 pm.  Cracking night.  The Shite Shirts went down a treat (they are now known as the native dress of Peru).  Some how, after losing three out of four games myself and Andrew made it to the semi final?!  Not sure how that worked out.  In the end I think we came third but it didn't really matter - it was just really good fun. Ended up drinking far too much and got home around 4am!
Josh's team won (and rightly so - it was his Birthday Do after all), the picture shows the winning team sporting their "Champions T-Shirts" printed by Imprints!

Sunday 3 Feb

Recovery Day!  Oh dear I didn't feel too good.
But on a happier note I booked me and Mum on a holiday to Fuerteventura in March.  I figured we hadn't been on holiday for far too long.  Just a week in the sun, I'm really looking forward to it.

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