Wednesday 12 June 2013

First week of June

Monday 3 Jun

Back to work.

Tuesday 4 Jun

Nev being attacked by an afternoon weary
Won £5.00 with an on-line scratch card.  This big win better materialise soon or you'll be gone from Peru before we can get there.
Han is on holiday and spent the afternoon and evening here at home.  When I got home they were both getting some "Shed" time!
Went with Nev to Cardiff airport to collect Sol and Rosie after their holiday in Turkey.  Left about 10:15, dropped Han back at the flat on the way.  Their flight was on time and we got back home at about 01:30.  Way past my bed time on a school night.

Wednesday 5 Jun

Felt like a long day cos I was a bit tired after the late night.

Thursday 6 Jun

With Nev's help we delivered a sofa and two chairs from the flat above the shop (the tenants didn't want them any more) to Han's flat.  The chairs are in one piece but I shall have to pop down at some stage and reassemble the sofa, and as Mum reminds me put up the curtain pole!

Friday 7 Jun

They've closed East St in town, from the roundabout by Lloyds right through to junction where Bliss is/was (Bliss has closed) to carry out repairs to the water pipes.  We expected all kinds of traffic problems but amazingly there is less traffic problems than before!  You can still walk down the road but you can't drive.

Saturday 8 Jun

To the Snell's this evening to celebrate Wendy's 50th Birthday.  Becky and Jordan and Kat and Sam were there too, as well as Nev and Hon and Andy Brown.  A very pleasant evening with Andrew operating the BBQ like a professional.

Sunday 9 Jun

Spent most of the day in the garden, mowing the lawn, emptying the compost bins and resetting them ready to go again.  Had a relaxing couple of hours just sat in the sun listening to the radio.  Chilled!  The Gran Cru (Belgian beer) is ready for drinking - happy days.

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