Thursday 27 June 2013

The Last Edition

Sunday 16 June - Fathers Day

Sorry there was no blog covering last week.  To be honest there really wasn't a great deal going on worth writing about.  Hopefully this week will be better.

Lovely to hear you on the phone this evening and it was nice that Hannah was home too so you could have a chat and it was good that you remembered that it was Fathers Day too.  I received some nice presents which included a couple of books and some sloppy Joe t shirts for loafing around in and a huge Toblerone.  Mum cooked a nice roast for lunch.  In the afternoon we watched the film "The Life of PI" but took a break in the middle while Mum prepared pudding and that was when you rang.  I dropped Han back to the flat at about 9pm and so it was a really nice day.

Veg patch just planted
Monday 17 June

Louisa went home sick this morning.  Busy day in the shop but takings weren't good.

Huge thunderstorm this evening, thunder, lightening, we haven't had one of them for some time.

Tuesday 18 June

Busy day in the shop but takings were very low.

Wendy and Andrew popped in to say hello this evening.  Wendy hasn't been very well of late.  They did tell us what the problem is but I can't remember the names as they were long medical things.  It was nice to see them both but Wendy wasn't looking too well at all.  Here's hoping she gets better soon.

I think I might have solved the problem of Grandad's bungalow.  Its quite a long story but I will know more next week and will give you the full update on your return.
The Veg Patch one month on!

Wednesday 19 June

Choked on a piece of apple on the way to the car this evening.  A piece of apple went down the wrong way and although I tried to cough it up it wouldn't budge, then for a few seconds I couldn't breath but luckily Nev was on hand and realised what was happening and slapped me on the back which solved the problem.  Phew!  Scary!

Wednesday 26 June

Yeah, I know, sorry, a week has passed and I've not updated the blog.  
Sorry to read of the death of Elisban.  He sounds like a great man, would love to have met him.
I'm guessing that you have now left the lodge and are about to do the touristy thing.  Remember, be aware of what is happening around you, look after your stuff and most of all stay safe.
Can't wait to see you on 17th July.

So I guess this is the last edition of Trull Times.  I hope it has in some way kept you up to date with life here since you've been away and I hope it hasn't been too boring a read.

See Yah soon, lots of love from Me, Mum and Hannah.

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