Tuesday 4 June 2013

Spring Bank Holiday Edition

Monday 27 May

Spring Bank Holiday.  As tradition would have it, the weather was pretty awful so we didn't go anywhere and even if we did we would have been stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.  But I did manage to get the latest batch of Belgian (the Diablo) bottled which should be ready for drinking about mid July.
I've paid your share of the rent and deposit for the house in Bristol so at least that is one less thing to worry about.  There should be a copy of the email I sent confirming payment on its way to you.
Apart from these few thing a lazy day chillaxing!

Tuesday 28 May

Back to work. Weather awful.

Wednesday 29 May

Won the Euromillions in last night's draw.  Well £2.60 of them!  There is a lucky Brit somewhere who is over £81 million better off this morning!
Hannah got a lift home with me from work and I dropped her back to the flat at about 10:30pm.

Thursday 30 May

Mum went out for a meal with the ladies this evening leaving me to snooze in front of the TV - channel Dave all evening!

Friday 31 May

Normal sort of Friday.

Saturday 1 Jun

A day off for me as this is the only Saturday in June that Doris can work (or so she says).  Had a great day in the garden pottering around doing all the little jobs I've been meaning to do for ages.  Even had time for a chill in the shed with a beer!

Sunday 2 Jun

Chill day.

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