Monday 27 May 2013

The Run up to Bank Holiday

Sunday 19 May.

Lazy day.  Hannah came round for Sunday dinner.  We had roast lamb and mint sauce and all the trimmings. Yum Yum.

Monday 20 May

The expected panic to finish the "Big Job" didn't materialise, there are only four tops left to do and those tops will be delivered tomorrow - job done - pressure off!

Tuesday 21 May

Mum and I popped over to the chip lane postal sorting centre to collect a "signed for" package which they tried to deliver at home whilst we were all at work.
Squeezed in the last of the celariac plants into the new veg patch.

Wednesday 22 May

Had to buy myself a new pair of trainers.  The others were OK but at some stage today I had stepped into some dog poo, but even after scrubbing them the smell just wouldn't go away so I had to bin them.
The Letting agency for 17 Ashgrove Road has been onto me asking for the first month's rent and the deposit, so I will arrange to get that paid for you.  It seems you have a move in date of 3rd July.

Thursday 23 May

Sabrina has today and Friday off and it is a Bank Holiday on Monday, so she has 5 days off altogether.  She is going to London to watch  Eric Clapton in Concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

Friday 24 May

The temperature plummeted today, so much that I put the heater on in the shop and at home when I got there.  Brrrrrrrrrr.

Saturday 25 May

Spent the evening with the Snells and the other Browns at the Fish's place.  Lots to eat and drink and lots of laughs.  I think we got home at about 2.30am.

Sunday 26 May

Popped over to Poole to see Granddad.  He was looking in better shape than the last time I saw him but it seems his short term memory is getting worse.  He still thinks he has only been in the home no more than a couple of days (its actually been a couple of years).  Its really quite a shame.
It was a lovely day with the sun shining all the way there and all the way back so when I got home I did a bit of pottering around the garden while Mum cooked a Sunday Roast.  Hannah was supposed to come over but didn't so we had extras to eat.

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