Monday 20 May 2013

40 Commando March Through Taunton Edition

Sunday 12 May

Lazy Day.

Monday 13 May

The first of the courgette seedlings has shown through the soil.

Tuesday 14 May

Sold my shares in Lok n Store making a small profit and bought shares in Marstons.

Wednesday 15 May

It was a pleasant evening so I took the opportunity to cut the grass at the back of the house.

Thursday 16 May

  40 Commando Royal Marines marched through the streets of Taunton this morning.  A welcome home parade for the lads as they have just returned from another tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Loads of people came out to cheer them.  They marched past the shop and I got a few photos from the window but as you can see I was in the wrong position!  You can See Reuben in the bottom left wearing the orange and green.

Friday 17 May

Restocked the wine supply with some more bottles from around the world.

Saturday 18 May

A huge effort by everyone this week has meant that we have broken the back of the big job.  Nev and Louisa printed about 60 of the 105 today.  We still have some cutting and picking to do but we all feel the pressure is off.
Started painting wood preservative onto Mum's swing seat by the shed.

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