Sunday 12 May 2013

Early May Bank Holiday Edition

Sunday 5 May

Managed to get the rest of the shed painted with wood preservative.  Did some more preparation on the new veg patch.  Hannah is coming over tomorrow after work so we are having "Sunday" lunch then.  Home-made meat balls in a tomato sauce over farfalle pasta for tea.  Sampled a cheeky little Rioja, very nice.

Monday 6 May

No work today - its Bank Holiday.
Spent the morning planting the new veg patch with leeks and celariac, calendula and nasturtians.  Now its the battle against the birds and the slugs and snails to contend with not to mention the cats who seem to think I have just dug them a toilet!
Hannah came home after work and so we had lunch at about 3pm after which Han and Mum spent the rest of the afternoon in the shed.  Was a very nice day and I don't want to say this too loud but it was sunny too! with the temperature at about 20C!  Hush now, don't want to ruin it!

Tuesday 7 May

Back to work.
Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Have been starting work early and finishing late to catch up with this Crispin School leavers hoods.  Each one takes 45mins to cut and another 20 mins to pick and we have 105 to do!

Saturday 11 May

It was supposed to be my Saturday off but went in anyway to do more Crispins.
Han and Mum popped in but hardly had a chance to speak, just after they arrived we had a busy half hour - typical.

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