Monday 15 April 2013

Another week

Sunday 7 Apr

Quite a busy day for a Sunday.  Did my usual Sunday chores first thing (catching up with paperwork and stuff).  Set the "Nelson's Revenge" brewing.  Reconciled the business accounts ready for the end of year close down.  Mum made a lovely Sunday Roast Beef lunch. An afternoon snooze.   Hannah and Matt popped round later in the afternoon for a quick visit.  They hadn't been gone long when we received a call saying they had lost electric power in the flat.  So I nipped down and was luckily able to restore the situation.    Cheese and onion toasties for supper and ice cream for pud.  Yum yum.

Monday 8 Apr

Margaret Thatcher died today.  Her name probably doesn't ring any bells with you but she was quite a famous lady.  She was the first female British Prime Minister, known as the "Iron Lady".  She was Prime Minister at the time of the Falklands War (of which I had some small part) and in my opinion she gave this country of ours the kick up its arse that it needed at that time.  However, she did have her problems, she introduced the Poll Tax (now known as the Council tax) which was very unpopular and she took on the miners and their Trade Unions during the miner's strike.  But all the same a sad loss and I believe she will be buried with full Ceremonial Military Honours.

Tuesday 9 Apr

Won £4.00 with an on-line scratch card.  Not quite enough to come out to see you!
Nice to speak with you on the phone this evening.

Wednesday 10 Apr

Won £3.20 on the Euromillions - still not enough to come out to see you!
Nev took a day off to take the family to Lyme Regis, the shop wasn't overly busy so we coped ok.

Thursday 11 Apr

Yep, it's Thursday.

Friday 12 Apr

Won £4 on a lottery on-line scratch card - looks like the Peru visiting fund is growing, but not quite there yet!
Got home from work to find Hannah visiting.  It seems the She and Matt have split up.  I think Mum and me suspected that something hasn't been right for some time.  Shame really as they have been together for some time.

Saturday 13 Apr

And there we are, another week over, they don't half seem to go quick nowadays.  Hannah has gone to Plymouth with her friend Tash for the weekend.
We have four chillis growing on the chilli plant.

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