Sunday 21 April 2013

Margaret Thatcher's Funeral Edition

Sunday 14 Apr

A normal lazy Sunday, catching up with the paperwork in the morning, Mum made a roast lunch, dozing in front of the TV in the afternoon.  But I did get the Nelson's Revenge bottled. Cheese and onion toasties for tea!

Monday 15 Apr

Normal Monday, Mum did the weekly shopping.  She left work at 2pm and I picked her up at about 7pm!  
Received a strange phone call from a woman asking for Hannah.  I told her Hannah wasn't at home but if she would like to leave her name and where she was calling from I'd pass a message on but she wouldn't tell me her name or where she was calling from.  I told Mum about it and she said she thought it was probably Hannah's doctor.  Told Han about it and she said she was expecting the call and the woman had been trying to call her all day but she was at work and couldn't take the call.

Tuesday 16 Apr

Very slow day in the shop which allowed me plenty of time to print Taunton Academy Leavers back print.  It takes about an hour to print 2 because of the names in them and we only have one cutter working now.
Cut the grass at the back this evening - it was getting very long.

Wednesday 17 Apr

A day in History.  This day will be remembered as the day of Margaret Thatcher's funeral in London.  There were some security concerns as two bombs were exploded near the finish line of the Boston marathon on Tuesday.  Even in death Mrs Thatcher still evoked some strong feelings, some people were heard to Boo the funeral procession as it passed through the streets of London.

Thursday 18 Apr

Nev's Birthday.  Reuben and Sabrina put up birthday banners and balloons in the shop!
It seems that some of the carrot and beetroot seeds have germinated already, there are just a few seedlings poking their heads out of the soil.

Friday 19 Apr

In the garden the forsythia is in full bloom which means winter has ended and spring has sprung (actually its nearly ended!)  The rhubarb is doing really well, I shall have to make some more rhubarb schnapps.  It was a pleasant evening so after work I sat in the shed with a beer listening to the funny half hour on radio 4 to chill out.  First time this year!

Saturday 20 Apr

It was Nev's turn for a Saturday off so it was just me and Sabrina in today.  We had periods of busyness but overall it was pretty quiet, took a lot of orders but not much cash through the till.  Cooked tea, which was a bit of a failure, tried to be a bit creative but it didn't quite work, gingered pork steaks, garlic roasted peppers and cheese and onion potato cakes.  Spent the rest of the evening surfing the web and sipping some red wine.  I haven't seen or heard from Han at all this week but I guess she is OK.

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