Monday 29 April 2013

A Working Week Edition

Sunday 21 Apr

Mum made a nice Sunday roast and Hannah came round for the afternoon.  She seems to have settled into her new job so much so that she has got this week off as holiday!  I got another brew of Gran Cru on its way and Becca phoned in the evening, a nice steady day all round.

Monday 22 Apr

Sad to say nothing of any particular interest happened today.  Very busy in the shop trying to get a load of stuff ready for the end of the week.  It might mean working late for a few evenings, but we'll see how we get on.

Tuesday 23 Apr

Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card, which cost £2.00! so I only got my money back!
This evening it was 35 degrees C in the shed so I opened the door sat in there and had a read of my gardening book.  Thinking of trying to grow celariac this year.  Did I mention that the beetroot, carrots and spring onions have sprouted?

Wednesday 24 Apr

Worked on a bit this evening catching up with a few jobs that need to be ready for Friday.  
Started this year's batch of Rhubarb Schnapps.

Thursday 25 Apr

Got home from work to find Hannah visiting.  She stayed for tea and I dropped her back to the flat at about 9pm.

Friday 26 Apr

Checked the next batch of Gran Cru, it is a little early but I think it is about ready for bottling.  Think I'll leave it in the tub for another couple of days though.
Received the forms from the Office of the Public Guardian for the annual report I need to submit for looking after Granddads finances.  It look like there is a few hours work to do there.

Saturday 27 Apr

Bit of a non-day really, one of those get up, go to work, come home sort of days.

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