Monday 27 May 2013

The Run up to Bank Holiday

Sunday 19 May.

Lazy day.  Hannah came round for Sunday dinner.  We had roast lamb and mint sauce and all the trimmings. Yum Yum.

Monday 20 May

The expected panic to finish the "Big Job" didn't materialise, there are only four tops left to do and those tops will be delivered tomorrow - job done - pressure off!

Tuesday 21 May

Mum and I popped over to the chip lane postal sorting centre to collect a "signed for" package which they tried to deliver at home whilst we were all at work.
Squeezed in the last of the celariac plants into the new veg patch.

Wednesday 22 May

Had to buy myself a new pair of trainers.  The others were OK but at some stage today I had stepped into some dog poo, but even after scrubbing them the smell just wouldn't go away so I had to bin them.
The Letting agency for 17 Ashgrove Road has been onto me asking for the first month's rent and the deposit, so I will arrange to get that paid for you.  It seems you have a move in date of 3rd July.

Thursday 23 May

Sabrina has today and Friday off and it is a Bank Holiday on Monday, so she has 5 days off altogether.  She is going to London to watch  Eric Clapton in Concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

Friday 24 May

The temperature plummeted today, so much that I put the heater on in the shop and at home when I got there.  Brrrrrrrrrr.

Saturday 25 May

Spent the evening with the Snells and the other Browns at the Fish's place.  Lots to eat and drink and lots of laughs.  I think we got home at about 2.30am.

Sunday 26 May

Popped over to Poole to see Granddad.  He was looking in better shape than the last time I saw him but it seems his short term memory is getting worse.  He still thinks he has only been in the home no more than a couple of days (its actually been a couple of years).  Its really quite a shame.
It was a lovely day with the sun shining all the way there and all the way back so when I got home I did a bit of pottering around the garden while Mum cooked a Sunday Roast.  Hannah was supposed to come over but didn't so we had extras to eat.

Monday 20 May 2013

40 Commando March Through Taunton Edition

Sunday 12 May

Lazy Day.

Monday 13 May

The first of the courgette seedlings has shown through the soil.

Tuesday 14 May

Sold my shares in Lok n Store making a small profit and bought shares in Marstons.

Wednesday 15 May

It was a pleasant evening so I took the opportunity to cut the grass at the back of the house.

Thursday 16 May

  40 Commando Royal Marines marched through the streets of Taunton this morning.  A welcome home parade for the lads as they have just returned from another tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Loads of people came out to cheer them.  They marched past the shop and I got a few photos from the window but as you can see I was in the wrong position!  You can See Reuben in the bottom left wearing the orange and green.

Friday 17 May

Restocked the wine supply with some more bottles from around the world.

Saturday 18 May

A huge effort by everyone this week has meant that we have broken the back of the big job.  Nev and Louisa printed about 60 of the 105 today.  We still have some cutting and picking to do but we all feel the pressure is off.
Started painting wood preservative onto Mum's swing seat by the shed.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Early May Bank Holiday Edition

Sunday 5 May

Managed to get the rest of the shed painted with wood preservative.  Did some more preparation on the new veg patch.  Hannah is coming over tomorrow after work so we are having "Sunday" lunch then.  Home-made meat balls in a tomato sauce over farfalle pasta for tea.  Sampled a cheeky little Rioja, very nice.

Monday 6 May

No work today - its Bank Holiday.
Spent the morning planting the new veg patch with leeks and celariac, calendula and nasturtians.  Now its the battle against the birds and the slugs and snails to contend with not to mention the cats who seem to think I have just dug them a toilet!
Hannah came home after work and so we had lunch at about 3pm after which Han and Mum spent the rest of the afternoon in the shed.  Was a very nice day and I don't want to say this too loud but it was sunny too! with the temperature at about 20C!  Hush now, don't want to ruin it!

Tuesday 7 May

Back to work.
Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Have been starting work early and finishing late to catch up with this Crispin School leavers hoods.  Each one takes 45mins to cut and another 20 mins to pick and we have 105 to do!

Saturday 11 May

It was supposed to be my Saturday off but went in anyway to do more Crispins.
Han and Mum popped in but hardly had a chance to speak, just after they arrived we had a busy half hour - typical.

Sunday 5 May 2013

The Belgian Beer Glass Edition

Sunday 28 Apr

After my normal paperwork chores I decided to cut the grass back and front.  Then I painted wood preservative on the window frames of the shed.  I was going to see if I could do one side but it looked like we might get some of the wet stuff so I decided not to risk it.
Planted the courgette seeds. As it was reasonably pleasant in the garden, even with the impending wet stuff, I made a start of tidying the left hand side as you look from the house.  I'm in two minds whether to make a pond or to plant more veggies.  I've made a start of turning the soil over.
Haven't heard from Hannah, unless Mum has, she went to Plymouth again this weekend.

Monday 29 Apr

Start of another very busy week in the shop.  Doris phoned in sick!  Over the weekend she had been to Birmingham to see Beyonce.  Make of that what you will.  Reuben won't be in this week because of Exams,  mum has stepped in to do a few extra hours to help out.
My order of four Belgian beer glasses arrived today, got them on e-bay.  I'm very pleased with them.
Did some more digging in the garden before tea.
The Belgian Beer Glasses

Tuesday 30 Apr

Did some more digging in the garden this evening, nearly finished now, I'd forgotten how tiring digging soil is.
Had a relaxing half hour sat in the shed with a beer listening to the funny programme on the radio. 
Checked out a bottle of Nelson's revenge.  Its good but needs another week or so before it will be properly ready.
Bottled the next batch of Gran Cru.  A long wait of six weeks before this one will be ready.

Wednesday 1 May

I can't believe we are in May already.
Worked an extra hour in the shop this evening.  Have you ever had that feeling that you are being swamped with work and not sure that there is enough time to get it done by the deadline?
Doctor Dad got called out to Mambos this afternoon, where Hannah was suffering a nose bleed and couldn't get it to stop.  Apparently it all started with a sneeze!  She invites me to a pub and then doesn't even get me a drink!!!?
Sold my shares in Kingfisher to make a small profit of £16.00 which represents 5.5% interest on my original investment after costs.Not a bad return over 5 months when you can only get about 2% over a year in the banks!

Thursday 2 May

Worked late again this evening but I think we have now broken the back of this load.  least I hope so.
We have a wine merchants opened opposite our shop, so I popped in today to get some supplies for the Bank Holiday.  Wines from all around the world at a reasonable price.  The last I got form Phillipe were really nice.
It doesn't look very impressive right now but
wait til its producing its crop
We no longer have to pay the council a stupid amount per day to park the car.  Reuben's Girlfriend's Mum has rented us a parking space in town for half as much as were paying to park at the Brewhouse.

Friday 3 May

Won £5.00 on an on-line scratch card.
After work sat in the shed with a glass of wine, browsing the gardening book and chilling out until Mum called me in for tea.

Saturday 4 May

Worked on for an hour in the shop.
Sampled a bottle of the Sicilian wine purchased from Phillipe on Thursday.  Not bad but not a favourite.  Minted lamb chops with roasted Mediterranean vegetables (with a chilli from our home grown chilli plant but only in mine) and sautéed potatoes for tea.  Yep, another series of Master Chef has just finished!