Sunday 30 December 2012

The Christmas Edition

Sunday 23 Dec.

Matt gave me a lift into town to collect the car.  I thought I'd just pop into Morrisons to get a couple of things - big mistake, it was full of people going mad.  I got what I wanted and then beat a hasty retreat!
In the evening I dropped Han down to Exeter, she was meeting up with Matt and his family, they were all going out for a family meal.
Mum spent most of the night cooking and baking stuff for Xmas.  I haven't got a clue what time she got to bed.

Christmas Eve.

Finished work at about 1pm.  Took the takings to the bank and then made the local delivery of festive cards.  Mum did a little bit of last minute shopping.  Then it was time  for me to go down the shed and wrap my pressures.  This is the third  Xmas since we took on Imprints. Hardly seems right but it is true.  Everything absolutely normal except a certain person was missing.  I went to bed at about 11pm and Mum did her normal trick of staying up most of the night.  The chance of snow is looking remote.  Lots of rain though.
I heard Mum come up at about 2.30am to get stuff out of her wardrobe but I don't think she got to bed before about 4 am, just like every year!

Christmas Day.

The sun streaming in (it didn't last long)
I think Han was a little disappointed that there was no one to open her Santa stocking presents with at silly o'clock in the morning.  If I remember right I think she may have txt'd.  She is getting better though, I don't think she woke up until 7am.  Absolutely normal Xmas, breakfast first then into the front room with a bottle of Buck's Fizz to open the presents.  Han did me and Mum a stocking.  We all got some really good stuff.  You'll have to wait til you get home to get all of yours, sorry!  Then it was in the kitchen for me to do the dinner whilst Mum and Han sat in the front room.  We had lunch at about 2.30 pm, would you believe it - I forgot to do Yorkshire Puds (yours was the only scratch card that won) and then just chilled in front of the box, which is where we were when you rang.  It was my intention to get loads of photos to put on here but in the end I didn't. But I did manage to get a couple.

Boxing Day.

Mum opening her stocking .
Set off for Kent at about 12.30.  The journey was going well until they closed at A303 at Mere.  We then set off on a rather large detour because Tom Tom kept trying to send us back to where we were diverted from and the diversion wasn't sign posted!  Found out later that the road was closed because of a serious accident.   Got to Chatham at about 5.00 and it rained all the way. 
Terry, Ann and Lisa were the first to arrive (they are usually the last), Kerry turned up on her own.  Margaret and Tom, Sharon, Sarah and Ben (Ben is Sarah's new boyfriend, he plays rugby for Medway, he's a big chap), Jan, Bern and Louise (not forgetting Mylo) and finally John and Cheryl with Tye.  So it wasn't a bad turn out and they all send their love.

Thursday 27 Dec.

Tried something different this year, instead of leaving early afternoon or late morning we didn't leave Nan's until 7pm, so Mum had the day with Nan (most of which was spent with them both snoozing in their chairs and talking to the cat).  The run home was good, the roads were dry and we got back about 1030.

Friday 28 Dec.

Weather lousy again with high winds and rain.  It was announced that this year is the wettest in the UK since records began - really!  Dropped Hannah into work and picked her up again when she finished.  Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card.

Saturday 29 Dec.

Wet and windy outside again.  
Both me and Mum have managed to get sore throats and colds.  I reckon we brought them back from Chatham.  I don't feel great and Mum is feeling pretty bad too.  Walked round to Trull Stores to get some cough linctus but they didn't have any, at least I couldn't find any.  In fact they don't seem to have much of anything in there any more.  So I ended up going to Tesco after I picked Hannah up from work.
Made a chicken casserole/stew in my new slow cooker for tea.  I thought it was yummy but there was no comment from either Mum or Han.

 Looking forward to hearing about your Peruvian Christmas.  I hope they have managed to restore the fresh water supply at the lodge.  Wishing you a Very Happy Christmas from us all here back in England.  We miss you, sending you loads of love, 

Mum, Dad, Han and the rest of the family

Sunday 23 December 2012

The End of the World Edition

Sunday 16 Dec.

Becca's new blog arrived today and it was great to speak to her on the phone.  Note to self, put the country code in front of the number when you call someone abroad!
Managed to do most of my Christmas shopping today, just hope it all arrives in time.  At least I haven't done this year what I usually do and leave everything to Christmas Eve.  Mum still hasn't done a list, so I hope she enjoys the tool set and sports annual I've got her!

Monday 17 Dec.

Mum did a shopping marathon today.  She left work at 2pm and didn't call for a lift from Sainsbury's until after they closed at 8pm!  Is it any wonder I don't like going shopping?!
Louisa went home at lunchtime, said she didn't feel very well.

Tuesday 18 Dec.

The presents I ordered on Sunday have started to arrive.  
Louisa was not in work today.  She phoned Nev in the morning asking for a few hours off, then phoned again around lunch time saying she wouldn't be in at all.  If she is genuinely ill than it's all well and good, but it does leave us short handed in the run up to Xmas, which isn't helpful.

Wednesday 19 Dec.

Louisa was back in work today which made things a little easier for everyone.
Mum went to the Winch for a Xmas lunch.  I'm guessing it was with the aerobics ladies, but she didn't say.

Thursday 20 Dec.

Late night shopping in Taunton this evening.  Hannah didn't get out of work until 21:45 and she's back in tomorrow at 0900.

Friday 21 Dec.

According to the Mayan Calander, today the world ends.
Made the mistake of taking half an hour out of the shop to seek out a few more pressies.  What a mistake that was.  The town was manic.  Popped around to the card factory to see if  Han was there, the shop was full to bursting, they couldn't have got any more people in, it was so full that I decided not to seek out Han. 
Got the Xmas decorations down from the loft this evening.  The house is so full of clutter I have no idea where the Xmas tree is going, never mind the rest of the stuff.

Saturday 22 Dec.

Well, it looks like we all survived........or did we?  Are we all now just figments of our own imagination?
The last working Saturday of 2012.  Nev, Andrew and myself went for a couple of beers after work.  No really it was just a couple of beers, well maybe three.  Honour picked us up and brought us home so I will have to collect the car on Sunday.  In fact I got home before Mum and Han who were doing a bit of last minute shopping!
Mum and Han put the Xmas tree up this evening.  They put it in the usual place, in front of the window between the chairs.
Mum produced her Xmas wish list, which leaves us Sunday and Monday afternoon to get the stuff.  Better late than never I guess.

Sunday 16 December 2012

The Matt is bald edition

Sunday 9 Dec.

Hannah woke up feeling pretty grotty this morning.  She was supposed to be working but called in sick.
Last week Lisa and Kerry did a sponsored sky dive.  You can see the event on the following link.  Kerry didn't mind being video'd but Lisa didn't want to be on camera!  It looks really good.

Monday 10 Dec.

Hannah, although not feeling 100% went into work today.  She got told off for being late.  It was hardly her fault that the bus was late.

Tuesday 11 Dec.

Not much to say about today except that it was exceptionally cold.  The car said it was -5 C degrees this morning when I was scraping the windows free from frost. Stayed chilly all day.
I think Hannah is OK again, she was drinking cider when I got home so unless it's some kind of new medicine.......

Wednesday 12 Dec.

The only thing of note today is that Matt has shaved off his mohecan stripe.  He is now totally bald.

Thursday 13 Dec.

Wrote my Christmas list today, which reminds me we haven't received one from someone who is currently residing in Peru!  Santa does worldwide you know!

Friday 14 Dec.

The cold snap has ended, woke up this morning to heavy rain and a drip, drip, drip through our bedroom ceiling again.  I really must get that leak fixed.
Won £2.00 on a lottery scratch card.  It cost £2.00 so really I didn't win anything!
The heavy rain throughout the day has caused local flooding in the area and the Tone is getting high again.  We came home through Comeytrowe Lane this evening and there was quite a deep flood across the road.  Thankfully Nev was driving his big car and we got through it no problem.

Saturday 15 Dec.

It was Nev's turn for a Saturday off so it was just me and Sabrina in the shop today.  The town was really busy with people Christmas shopping and thankfully there were a few customers in our place.
This evening I put on a brew of the Belgian beer which hopefully should be ready to drink around March time.  It takes a while to mature but it is worth the wait.

Sunday 9 December 2012

The Run-up to Christmas has Started

Spot the nesting box

Sunday 2 Dec.

Crickey it's December already.  
Assembled Mum's new (Birthday presents) bird feeding station and bird table and placed them in the garden and screwed her new nesting box to a tree between the two sheds.
Spent the rest of the day chilling with the ipad before doing a bit of cooking with wine, making a small roast dinner for the two of us.  Hannah and Matt have been at Matt's place weekend.

Monday 3 Dec.

One of those get up, go to work, come home, watch tv, go to bed sort of days.

Tuesday 4 Dec.

Another wet day.  But on the positive side, the reservoirs should be about full by now!  Matt didn't come around this evening, Hannah said she was going to tidy the cupboard in her room.  A wise move by Matt, me thinks!

Wednesday 5 Dec.

The new bird restaurant
Because one of our suppliers got an order wrong I took a trip to Exeter this afternoon to pick up the correct garments.  It should have only taken an hour to get there and back.  It turned out that because of an accident between Collumpton and Exeter they closed the motorway in both directions.  At Collumpton we were forced to leave the motorway so I cut across country to Honiton and got to Exeter from there.  On the way back I got as far as Honiton before the queues started again and so cut across the Blackdowns to get back.  The whole journey took about 2 and a half hours.
Very good day in the shop, takings wise - perhaps I should go out more often!

Thursday 6 Dec.

Very heavy frost this morning.  -2 degrees C according to the car thermometer.  Had to scrape the car windows.
Because of  Thursday late night shopping, Hannah didn't finish work until 21:30.

Friday 7 Dec.

Suddenly dawned on me that we are now in the run-up to Christmas and I better start thinking about presents!  Is it time to start panicking yet? I really must try and get my Christmas shopping done before Christmas Eve this year!
Tool shed showing temporary repair.  The clock is wrong too.

Saturday 8 Dec.

Picked up Han from work at 6pm.  Made chicken chowder for tea.  Then as Saturday night TV is so dire I went down to the shed made a fire and sat outside looking at the stars, supping a glass or two of the red stuff, while listening to a few CDs.  I enjoyed it but I expect Mum thinks I'm crazy

Sunday 2 December 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away......

Monday 26 Nov

Guess what?   Its been raining all day again!  There really can't be much more up there to come down.  Becky has started work in a clothes shop called Maze. It's just around the corner from us, along the lane beside Howard s Chip shop. I think its only part time but at least she is earning.  We picked her up from work last evening.  She was supposed to finish at 5.30 but they had her hoovering and mopping and so she didn't get out until after 6.  I think her employers are taking advantage.

Andrew doing his arty photo thing at Lynmouth

Tuesday 27 Nov.

Just for a change it was raining this morning but it eased off during the day leaving just the occasional shower to contend with.
Busy day in the shop.

Wednesday 28 Nov.

Hey what's occurring - no rain this morning, a dry day.  
Short handed in the shop.  Sabrina pulled a sicky, she texted Nev saying she was too ill to phone in because she has a fever! I bet she is better for her trip to Liverpool this weekend.

Thursday 29 Nov.

The first really heavy frost of the winter this morning.  The car windows all frosted over etc.
All praise the Lord for Sabrina's miraculous recovery, she was back at work today, said she had a fever yesterday and that's why she couldn't phone.  Yep I don't really understand that either!

Friday 30 Nov.

Won £5.00 on an on-line lottery scratch card!  Another heavy frost this morning and quite cold all day, so much so we had the heating on in the shop.

Saturday 1 Dec.

Just to rub it in, another crisp and frosty morning.
Took a trip over to Stoborough to give Granddad's bungalow a once over to make sure everything is OK.  Spent a couple of hours weeding the front garden in an attempt to make the place look lived in again.  Had a chap come round asking to buy Granddad's car.  First he wanted it, then he didn't, then he did.  Then he said, "Ok I'll take it off your hands" then when I said he could take it for £200 he decided he didn't want it after all!
Saw Granddad, he was looking very well, in fact the best I've seen him for a long time but he is so confused, hasn't got a clue where he is  and thinks he has only been in the home for a couple of days.  Perhaps that is just as well.
Popped into Tesco on the way home and got a load of nibbles.  Saturday evening TV is not the greatest - Strictly come Dancing and Casualty!  Strictly would be OK if they got rid of Bruce Forthysth