Sunday 16 December 2012

The Matt is bald edition

Sunday 9 Dec.

Hannah woke up feeling pretty grotty this morning.  She was supposed to be working but called in sick.
Last week Lisa and Kerry did a sponsored sky dive.  You can see the event on the following link.  Kerry didn't mind being video'd but Lisa didn't want to be on camera!  It looks really good.

Monday 10 Dec.

Hannah, although not feeling 100% went into work today.  She got told off for being late.  It was hardly her fault that the bus was late.

Tuesday 11 Dec.

Not much to say about today except that it was exceptionally cold.  The car said it was -5 C degrees this morning when I was scraping the windows free from frost. Stayed chilly all day.
I think Hannah is OK again, she was drinking cider when I got home so unless it's some kind of new medicine.......

Wednesday 12 Dec.

The only thing of note today is that Matt has shaved off his mohecan stripe.  He is now totally bald.

Thursday 13 Dec.

Wrote my Christmas list today, which reminds me we haven't received one from someone who is currently residing in Peru!  Santa does worldwide you know!

Friday 14 Dec.

The cold snap has ended, woke up this morning to heavy rain and a drip, drip, drip through our bedroom ceiling again.  I really must get that leak fixed.
Won £2.00 on a lottery scratch card.  It cost £2.00 so really I didn't win anything!
The heavy rain throughout the day has caused local flooding in the area and the Tone is getting high again.  We came home through Comeytrowe Lane this evening and there was quite a deep flood across the road.  Thankfully Nev was driving his big car and we got through it no problem.

Saturday 15 Dec.

It was Nev's turn for a Saturday off so it was just me and Sabrina in the shop today.  The town was really busy with people Christmas shopping and thankfully there were a few customers in our place.
This evening I put on a brew of the Belgian beer which hopefully should be ready to drink around March time.  It takes a while to mature but it is worth the wait.

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