Sunday 9 December 2012

The Run-up to Christmas has Started

Spot the nesting box

Sunday 2 Dec.

Crickey it's December already.  
Assembled Mum's new (Birthday presents) bird feeding station and bird table and placed them in the garden and screwed her new nesting box to a tree between the two sheds.
Spent the rest of the day chilling with the ipad before doing a bit of cooking with wine, making a small roast dinner for the two of us.  Hannah and Matt have been at Matt's place weekend.

Monday 3 Dec.

One of those get up, go to work, come home, watch tv, go to bed sort of days.

Tuesday 4 Dec.

Another wet day.  But on the positive side, the reservoirs should be about full by now!  Matt didn't come around this evening, Hannah said she was going to tidy the cupboard in her room.  A wise move by Matt, me thinks!

Wednesday 5 Dec.

The new bird restaurant
Because one of our suppliers got an order wrong I took a trip to Exeter this afternoon to pick up the correct garments.  It should have only taken an hour to get there and back.  It turned out that because of an accident between Collumpton and Exeter they closed the motorway in both directions.  At Collumpton we were forced to leave the motorway so I cut across country to Honiton and got to Exeter from there.  On the way back I got as far as Honiton before the queues started again and so cut across the Blackdowns to get back.  The whole journey took about 2 and a half hours.
Very good day in the shop, takings wise - perhaps I should go out more often!

Thursday 6 Dec.

Very heavy frost this morning.  -2 degrees C according to the car thermometer.  Had to scrape the car windows.
Because of  Thursday late night shopping, Hannah didn't finish work until 21:30.

Friday 7 Dec.

Suddenly dawned on me that we are now in the run-up to Christmas and I better start thinking about presents!  Is it time to start panicking yet? I really must try and get my Christmas shopping done before Christmas Eve this year!
Tool shed showing temporary repair.  The clock is wrong too.

Saturday 8 Dec.

Picked up Han from work at 6pm.  Made chicken chowder for tea.  Then as Saturday night TV is so dire I went down to the shed made a fire and sat outside looking at the stars, supping a glass or two of the red stuff, while listening to a few CDs.  I enjoyed it but I expect Mum thinks I'm crazy

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