Sunday 2 December 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away......

Monday 26 Nov

Guess what?   Its been raining all day again!  There really can't be much more up there to come down.  Becky has started work in a clothes shop called Maze. It's just around the corner from us, along the lane beside Howard s Chip shop. I think its only part time but at least she is earning.  We picked her up from work last evening.  She was supposed to finish at 5.30 but they had her hoovering and mopping and so she didn't get out until after 6.  I think her employers are taking advantage.

Andrew doing his arty photo thing at Lynmouth

Tuesday 27 Nov.

Just for a change it was raining this morning but it eased off during the day leaving just the occasional shower to contend with.
Busy day in the shop.

Wednesday 28 Nov.

Hey what's occurring - no rain this morning, a dry day.  
Short handed in the shop.  Sabrina pulled a sicky, she texted Nev saying she was too ill to phone in because she has a fever! I bet she is better for her trip to Liverpool this weekend.

Thursday 29 Nov.

The first really heavy frost of the winter this morning.  The car windows all frosted over etc.
All praise the Lord for Sabrina's miraculous recovery, she was back at work today, said she had a fever yesterday and that's why she couldn't phone.  Yep I don't really understand that either!

Friday 30 Nov.

Won £5.00 on an on-line lottery scratch card!  Another heavy frost this morning and quite cold all day, so much so we had the heating on in the shop.

Saturday 1 Dec.

Just to rub it in, another crisp and frosty morning.
Took a trip over to Stoborough to give Granddad's bungalow a once over to make sure everything is OK.  Spent a couple of hours weeding the front garden in an attempt to make the place look lived in again.  Had a chap come round asking to buy Granddad's car.  First he wanted it, then he didn't, then he did.  Then he said, "Ok I'll take it off your hands" then when I said he could take it for £200 he decided he didn't want it after all!
Saw Granddad, he was looking very well, in fact the best I've seen him for a long time but he is so confused, hasn't got a clue where he is  and thinks he has only been in the home for a couple of days.  Perhaps that is just as well.
Popped into Tesco on the way home and got a load of nibbles.  Saturday evening TV is not the greatest - Strictly come Dancing and Casualty!  Strictly would be OK if they got rid of Bruce Forthysth

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