Sunday 23 December 2012

The End of the World Edition

Sunday 16 Dec.

Becca's new blog arrived today and it was great to speak to her on the phone.  Note to self, put the country code in front of the number when you call someone abroad!
Managed to do most of my Christmas shopping today, just hope it all arrives in time.  At least I haven't done this year what I usually do and leave everything to Christmas Eve.  Mum still hasn't done a list, so I hope she enjoys the tool set and sports annual I've got her!

Monday 17 Dec.

Mum did a shopping marathon today.  She left work at 2pm and didn't call for a lift from Sainsbury's until after they closed at 8pm!  Is it any wonder I don't like going shopping?!
Louisa went home at lunchtime, said she didn't feel very well.

Tuesday 18 Dec.

The presents I ordered on Sunday have started to arrive.  
Louisa was not in work today.  She phoned Nev in the morning asking for a few hours off, then phoned again around lunch time saying she wouldn't be in at all.  If she is genuinely ill than it's all well and good, but it does leave us short handed in the run up to Xmas, which isn't helpful.

Wednesday 19 Dec.

Louisa was back in work today which made things a little easier for everyone.
Mum went to the Winch for a Xmas lunch.  I'm guessing it was with the aerobics ladies, but she didn't say.

Thursday 20 Dec.

Late night shopping in Taunton this evening.  Hannah didn't get out of work until 21:45 and she's back in tomorrow at 0900.

Friday 21 Dec.

According to the Mayan Calander, today the world ends.
Made the mistake of taking half an hour out of the shop to seek out a few more pressies.  What a mistake that was.  The town was manic.  Popped around to the card factory to see if  Han was there, the shop was full to bursting, they couldn't have got any more people in, it was so full that I decided not to seek out Han. 
Got the Xmas decorations down from the loft this evening.  The house is so full of clutter I have no idea where the Xmas tree is going, never mind the rest of the stuff.

Saturday 22 Dec.

Well, it looks like we all survived........or did we?  Are we all now just figments of our own imagination?
The last working Saturday of 2012.  Nev, Andrew and myself went for a couple of beers after work.  No really it was just a couple of beers, well maybe three.  Honour picked us up and brought us home so I will have to collect the car on Sunday.  In fact I got home before Mum and Han who were doing a bit of last minute shopping!
Mum and Han put the Xmas tree up this evening.  They put it in the usual place, in front of the window between the chairs.
Mum produced her Xmas wish list, which leaves us Sunday and Monday afternoon to get the stuff.  Better late than never I guess.

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