Thursday 27 June 2013

The Last Edition

Sunday 16 June - Fathers Day

Sorry there was no blog covering last week.  To be honest there really wasn't a great deal going on worth writing about.  Hopefully this week will be better.

Lovely to hear you on the phone this evening and it was nice that Hannah was home too so you could have a chat and it was good that you remembered that it was Fathers Day too.  I received some nice presents which included a couple of books and some sloppy Joe t shirts for loafing around in and a huge Toblerone.  Mum cooked a nice roast for lunch.  In the afternoon we watched the film "The Life of PI" but took a break in the middle while Mum prepared pudding and that was when you rang.  I dropped Han back to the flat at about 9pm and so it was a really nice day.

Veg patch just planted
Monday 17 June

Louisa went home sick this morning.  Busy day in the shop but takings weren't good.

Huge thunderstorm this evening, thunder, lightening, we haven't had one of them for some time.

Tuesday 18 June

Busy day in the shop but takings were very low.

Wendy and Andrew popped in to say hello this evening.  Wendy hasn't been very well of late.  They did tell us what the problem is but I can't remember the names as they were long medical things.  It was nice to see them both but Wendy wasn't looking too well at all.  Here's hoping she gets better soon.

I think I might have solved the problem of Grandad's bungalow.  Its quite a long story but I will know more next week and will give you the full update on your return.
The Veg Patch one month on!

Wednesday 19 June

Choked on a piece of apple on the way to the car this evening.  A piece of apple went down the wrong way and although I tried to cough it up it wouldn't budge, then for a few seconds I couldn't breath but luckily Nev was on hand and realised what was happening and slapped me on the back which solved the problem.  Phew!  Scary!

Wednesday 26 June

Yeah, I know, sorry, a week has passed and I've not updated the blog.  
Sorry to read of the death of Elisban.  He sounds like a great man, would love to have met him.
I'm guessing that you have now left the lodge and are about to do the touristy thing.  Remember, be aware of what is happening around you, look after your stuff and most of all stay safe.
Can't wait to see you on 17th July.

So I guess this is the last edition of Trull Times.  I hope it has in some way kept you up to date with life here since you've been away and I hope it hasn't been too boring a read.

See Yah soon, lots of love from Me, Mum and Hannah.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

First week of June

Monday 3 Jun

Back to work.

Tuesday 4 Jun

Nev being attacked by an afternoon weary
Won £5.00 with an on-line scratch card.  This big win better materialise soon or you'll be gone from Peru before we can get there.
Han is on holiday and spent the afternoon and evening here at home.  When I got home they were both getting some "Shed" time!
Went with Nev to Cardiff airport to collect Sol and Rosie after their holiday in Turkey.  Left about 10:15, dropped Han back at the flat on the way.  Their flight was on time and we got back home at about 01:30.  Way past my bed time on a school night.

Wednesday 5 Jun

Felt like a long day cos I was a bit tired after the late night.

Thursday 6 Jun

With Nev's help we delivered a sofa and two chairs from the flat above the shop (the tenants didn't want them any more) to Han's flat.  The chairs are in one piece but I shall have to pop down at some stage and reassemble the sofa, and as Mum reminds me put up the curtain pole!

Friday 7 Jun

They've closed East St in town, from the roundabout by Lloyds right through to junction where Bliss is/was (Bliss has closed) to carry out repairs to the water pipes.  We expected all kinds of traffic problems but amazingly there is less traffic problems than before!  You can still walk down the road but you can't drive.

Saturday 8 Jun

To the Snell's this evening to celebrate Wendy's 50th Birthday.  Becky and Jordan and Kat and Sam were there too, as well as Nev and Hon and Andy Brown.  A very pleasant evening with Andrew operating the BBQ like a professional.

Sunday 9 Jun

Spent most of the day in the garden, mowing the lawn, emptying the compost bins and resetting them ready to go again.  Had a relaxing couple of hours just sat in the sun listening to the radio.  Chilled!  The Gran Cru (Belgian beer) is ready for drinking - happy days.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Spring Bank Holiday Edition

Monday 27 May

Spring Bank Holiday.  As tradition would have it, the weather was pretty awful so we didn't go anywhere and even if we did we would have been stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.  But I did manage to get the latest batch of Belgian (the Diablo) bottled which should be ready for drinking about mid July.
I've paid your share of the rent and deposit for the house in Bristol so at least that is one less thing to worry about.  There should be a copy of the email I sent confirming payment on its way to you.
Apart from these few thing a lazy day chillaxing!

Tuesday 28 May

Back to work. Weather awful.

Wednesday 29 May

Won the Euromillions in last night's draw.  Well £2.60 of them!  There is a lucky Brit somewhere who is over £81 million better off this morning!
Hannah got a lift home with me from work and I dropped her back to the flat at about 10:30pm.

Thursday 30 May

Mum went out for a meal with the ladies this evening leaving me to snooze in front of the TV - channel Dave all evening!

Friday 31 May

Normal sort of Friday.

Saturday 1 Jun

A day off for me as this is the only Saturday in June that Doris can work (or so she says).  Had a great day in the garden pottering around doing all the little jobs I've been meaning to do for ages.  Even had time for a chill in the shed with a beer!

Sunday 2 Jun

Chill day.

Monday 27 May 2013

The Run up to Bank Holiday

Sunday 19 May.

Lazy day.  Hannah came round for Sunday dinner.  We had roast lamb and mint sauce and all the trimmings. Yum Yum.

Monday 20 May

The expected panic to finish the "Big Job" didn't materialise, there are only four tops left to do and those tops will be delivered tomorrow - job done - pressure off!

Tuesday 21 May

Mum and I popped over to the chip lane postal sorting centre to collect a "signed for" package which they tried to deliver at home whilst we were all at work.
Squeezed in the last of the celariac plants into the new veg patch.

Wednesday 22 May

Had to buy myself a new pair of trainers.  The others were OK but at some stage today I had stepped into some dog poo, but even after scrubbing them the smell just wouldn't go away so I had to bin them.
The Letting agency for 17 Ashgrove Road has been onto me asking for the first month's rent and the deposit, so I will arrange to get that paid for you.  It seems you have a move in date of 3rd July.

Thursday 23 May

Sabrina has today and Friday off and it is a Bank Holiday on Monday, so she has 5 days off altogether.  She is going to London to watch  Eric Clapton in Concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

Friday 24 May

The temperature plummeted today, so much that I put the heater on in the shop and at home when I got there.  Brrrrrrrrrr.

Saturday 25 May

Spent the evening with the Snells and the other Browns at the Fish's place.  Lots to eat and drink and lots of laughs.  I think we got home at about 2.30am.

Sunday 26 May

Popped over to Poole to see Granddad.  He was looking in better shape than the last time I saw him but it seems his short term memory is getting worse.  He still thinks he has only been in the home no more than a couple of days (its actually been a couple of years).  Its really quite a shame.
It was a lovely day with the sun shining all the way there and all the way back so when I got home I did a bit of pottering around the garden while Mum cooked a Sunday Roast.  Hannah was supposed to come over but didn't so we had extras to eat.

Monday 20 May 2013

40 Commando March Through Taunton Edition

Sunday 12 May

Lazy Day.

Monday 13 May

The first of the courgette seedlings has shown through the soil.

Tuesday 14 May

Sold my shares in Lok n Store making a small profit and bought shares in Marstons.

Wednesday 15 May

It was a pleasant evening so I took the opportunity to cut the grass at the back of the house.

Thursday 16 May

  40 Commando Royal Marines marched through the streets of Taunton this morning.  A welcome home parade for the lads as they have just returned from another tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Loads of people came out to cheer them.  They marched past the shop and I got a few photos from the window but as you can see I was in the wrong position!  You can See Reuben in the bottom left wearing the orange and green.

Friday 17 May

Restocked the wine supply with some more bottles from around the world.

Saturday 18 May

A huge effort by everyone this week has meant that we have broken the back of the big job.  Nev and Louisa printed about 60 of the 105 today.  We still have some cutting and picking to do but we all feel the pressure is off.
Started painting wood preservative onto Mum's swing seat by the shed.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Early May Bank Holiday Edition

Sunday 5 May

Managed to get the rest of the shed painted with wood preservative.  Did some more preparation on the new veg patch.  Hannah is coming over tomorrow after work so we are having "Sunday" lunch then.  Home-made meat balls in a tomato sauce over farfalle pasta for tea.  Sampled a cheeky little Rioja, very nice.

Monday 6 May

No work today - its Bank Holiday.
Spent the morning planting the new veg patch with leeks and celariac, calendula and nasturtians.  Now its the battle against the birds and the slugs and snails to contend with not to mention the cats who seem to think I have just dug them a toilet!
Hannah came home after work and so we had lunch at about 3pm after which Han and Mum spent the rest of the afternoon in the shed.  Was a very nice day and I don't want to say this too loud but it was sunny too! with the temperature at about 20C!  Hush now, don't want to ruin it!

Tuesday 7 May

Back to work.
Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Have been starting work early and finishing late to catch up with this Crispin School leavers hoods.  Each one takes 45mins to cut and another 20 mins to pick and we have 105 to do!

Saturday 11 May

It was supposed to be my Saturday off but went in anyway to do more Crispins.
Han and Mum popped in but hardly had a chance to speak, just after they arrived we had a busy half hour - typical.

Sunday 5 May 2013

The Belgian Beer Glass Edition

Sunday 28 Apr

After my normal paperwork chores I decided to cut the grass back and front.  Then I painted wood preservative on the window frames of the shed.  I was going to see if I could do one side but it looked like we might get some of the wet stuff so I decided not to risk it.
Planted the courgette seeds. As it was reasonably pleasant in the garden, even with the impending wet stuff, I made a start of tidying the left hand side as you look from the house.  I'm in two minds whether to make a pond or to plant more veggies.  I've made a start of turning the soil over.
Haven't heard from Hannah, unless Mum has, she went to Plymouth again this weekend.

Monday 29 Apr

Start of another very busy week in the shop.  Doris phoned in sick!  Over the weekend she had been to Birmingham to see Beyonce.  Make of that what you will.  Reuben won't be in this week because of Exams,  mum has stepped in to do a few extra hours to help out.
My order of four Belgian beer glasses arrived today, got them on e-bay.  I'm very pleased with them.
Did some more digging in the garden before tea.
The Belgian Beer Glasses

Tuesday 30 Apr

Did some more digging in the garden this evening, nearly finished now, I'd forgotten how tiring digging soil is.
Had a relaxing half hour sat in the shed with a beer listening to the funny programme on the radio. 
Checked out a bottle of Nelson's revenge.  Its good but needs another week or so before it will be properly ready.
Bottled the next batch of Gran Cru.  A long wait of six weeks before this one will be ready.

Wednesday 1 May

I can't believe we are in May already.
Worked an extra hour in the shop this evening.  Have you ever had that feeling that you are being swamped with work and not sure that there is enough time to get it done by the deadline?
Doctor Dad got called out to Mambos this afternoon, where Hannah was suffering a nose bleed and couldn't get it to stop.  Apparently it all started with a sneeze!  She invites me to a pub and then doesn't even get me a drink!!!?
Sold my shares in Kingfisher to make a small profit of £16.00 which represents 5.5% interest on my original investment after costs.Not a bad return over 5 months when you can only get about 2% over a year in the banks!

Thursday 2 May

Worked late again this evening but I think we have now broken the back of this load.  least I hope so.
We have a wine merchants opened opposite our shop, so I popped in today to get some supplies for the Bank Holiday.  Wines from all around the world at a reasonable price.  The last I got form Phillipe were really nice.
It doesn't look very impressive right now but
wait til its producing its crop
We no longer have to pay the council a stupid amount per day to park the car.  Reuben's Girlfriend's Mum has rented us a parking space in town for half as much as were paying to park at the Brewhouse.

Friday 3 May

Won £5.00 on an on-line scratch card.
After work sat in the shed with a glass of wine, browsing the gardening book and chilling out until Mum called me in for tea.

Saturday 4 May

Worked on for an hour in the shop.
Sampled a bottle of the Sicilian wine purchased from Phillipe on Thursday.  Not bad but not a favourite.  Minted lamb chops with roasted Mediterranean vegetables (with a chilli from our home grown chilli plant but only in mine) and sautéed potatoes for tea.  Yep, another series of Master Chef has just finished!

Monday 29 April 2013

A Working Week Edition

Sunday 21 Apr

Mum made a nice Sunday roast and Hannah came round for the afternoon.  She seems to have settled into her new job so much so that she has got this week off as holiday!  I got another brew of Gran Cru on its way and Becca phoned in the evening, a nice steady day all round.

Monday 22 Apr

Sad to say nothing of any particular interest happened today.  Very busy in the shop trying to get a load of stuff ready for the end of the week.  It might mean working late for a few evenings, but we'll see how we get on.

Tuesday 23 Apr

Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card, which cost £2.00! so I only got my money back!
This evening it was 35 degrees C in the shed so I opened the door sat in there and had a read of my gardening book.  Thinking of trying to grow celariac this year.  Did I mention that the beetroot, carrots and spring onions have sprouted?

Wednesday 24 Apr

Worked on a bit this evening catching up with a few jobs that need to be ready for Friday.  
Started this year's batch of Rhubarb Schnapps.

Thursday 25 Apr

Got home from work to find Hannah visiting.  She stayed for tea and I dropped her back to the flat at about 9pm.

Friday 26 Apr

Checked the next batch of Gran Cru, it is a little early but I think it is about ready for bottling.  Think I'll leave it in the tub for another couple of days though.
Received the forms from the Office of the Public Guardian for the annual report I need to submit for looking after Granddads finances.  It look like there is a few hours work to do there.

Saturday 27 Apr

Bit of a non-day really, one of those get up, go to work, come home sort of days.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Margaret Thatcher's Funeral Edition

Sunday 14 Apr

A normal lazy Sunday, catching up with the paperwork in the morning, Mum made a roast lunch, dozing in front of the TV in the afternoon.  But I did get the Nelson's Revenge bottled. Cheese and onion toasties for tea!

Monday 15 Apr

Normal Monday, Mum did the weekly shopping.  She left work at 2pm and I picked her up at about 7pm!  
Received a strange phone call from a woman asking for Hannah.  I told her Hannah wasn't at home but if she would like to leave her name and where she was calling from I'd pass a message on but she wouldn't tell me her name or where she was calling from.  I told Mum about it and she said she thought it was probably Hannah's doctor.  Told Han about it and she said she was expecting the call and the woman had been trying to call her all day but she was at work and couldn't take the call.

Tuesday 16 Apr

Very slow day in the shop which allowed me plenty of time to print Taunton Academy Leavers back print.  It takes about an hour to print 2 because of the names in them and we only have one cutter working now.
Cut the grass at the back this evening - it was getting very long.

Wednesday 17 Apr

A day in History.  This day will be remembered as the day of Margaret Thatcher's funeral in London.  There were some security concerns as two bombs were exploded near the finish line of the Boston marathon on Tuesday.  Even in death Mrs Thatcher still evoked some strong feelings, some people were heard to Boo the funeral procession as it passed through the streets of London.

Thursday 18 Apr

Nev's Birthday.  Reuben and Sabrina put up birthday banners and balloons in the shop!
It seems that some of the carrot and beetroot seeds have germinated already, there are just a few seedlings poking their heads out of the soil.

Friday 19 Apr

In the garden the forsythia is in full bloom which means winter has ended and spring has sprung (actually its nearly ended!)  The rhubarb is doing really well, I shall have to make some more rhubarb schnapps.  It was a pleasant evening so after work I sat in the shed with a beer listening to the funny half hour on radio 4 to chill out.  First time this year!

Saturday 20 Apr

It was Nev's turn for a Saturday off so it was just me and Sabrina in today.  We had periods of busyness but overall it was pretty quiet, took a lot of orders but not much cash through the till.  Cooked tea, which was a bit of a failure, tried to be a bit creative but it didn't quite work, gingered pork steaks, garlic roasted peppers and cheese and onion potato cakes.  Spent the rest of the evening surfing the web and sipping some red wine.  I haven't seen or heard from Han at all this week but I guess she is OK.

Monday 15 April 2013

Another week

Sunday 7 Apr

Quite a busy day for a Sunday.  Did my usual Sunday chores first thing (catching up with paperwork and stuff).  Set the "Nelson's Revenge" brewing.  Reconciled the business accounts ready for the end of year close down.  Mum made a lovely Sunday Roast Beef lunch. An afternoon snooze.   Hannah and Matt popped round later in the afternoon for a quick visit.  They hadn't been gone long when we received a call saying they had lost electric power in the flat.  So I nipped down and was luckily able to restore the situation.    Cheese and onion toasties for supper and ice cream for pud.  Yum yum.

Monday 8 Apr

Margaret Thatcher died today.  Her name probably doesn't ring any bells with you but she was quite a famous lady.  She was the first female British Prime Minister, known as the "Iron Lady".  She was Prime Minister at the time of the Falklands War (of which I had some small part) and in my opinion she gave this country of ours the kick up its arse that it needed at that time.  However, she did have her problems, she introduced the Poll Tax (now known as the Council tax) which was very unpopular and she took on the miners and their Trade Unions during the miner's strike.  But all the same a sad loss and I believe she will be buried with full Ceremonial Military Honours.

Tuesday 9 Apr

Won £4.00 with an on-line scratch card.  Not quite enough to come out to see you!
Nice to speak with you on the phone this evening.

Wednesday 10 Apr

Won £3.20 on the Euromillions - still not enough to come out to see you!
Nev took a day off to take the family to Lyme Regis, the shop wasn't overly busy so we coped ok.

Thursday 11 Apr

Yep, it's Thursday.

Friday 12 Apr

Won £4 on a lottery on-line scratch card - looks like the Peru visiting fund is growing, but not quite there yet!
Got home from work to find Hannah visiting.  It seems the She and Matt have split up.  I think Mum and me suspected that something hasn't been right for some time.  Shame really as they have been together for some time.

Saturday 13 Apr

And there we are, another week over, they don't half seem to go quick nowadays.  Hannah has gone to Plymouth with her friend Tash for the weekend.
We have four chillis growing on the chilli plant.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Easter Bank Holiday Edition Part 2

Sunday 31 Mar

Easter Sunday
Had a bit of a lie in this morning.  Actually it was a longer lie in than I intended.  I forgot the clocks went forward last night and so thinking I was getting up at 9 am it was in fact 10 am!  Duh!
Did the usual Sunday chores, catching up with correspondence and paperwork that I should have really seen to when the letters arrived.
Sowed the carrot, spring onion and beetroot seeds which just leaves the courgettes which will go in at the end of May.
Thought Han was going over to Matt's but got a text saying she was in the flat.  Asked her if she wanted to come home for Sunday lunch but she declined.
Mum cooked the lunch but hardly ate any of it.  She was complaining of a dickie tummy which doesn't seem fair if you spend the time and effort to cook the food and then can't eat it.
Rest of the day spent in front of the TV and ipad!
I have only one Easter egg left, Mum has all of hers because of her upset tum.

Bank Holiday Monday 1 Apr

Not only a Bank Holiday but it is also Granddad's birthday.  I suppose I really should have gone over to see him but I didn't.
A bit of a lazy day watching TV and eating chocolate.
Bought some more home brew stuff on line.
Made a slow cooker beef stew for tea, really tasty.  I tried putting in some chunks of Chorizo sausage (Spanish sausage) and I reckon it improved the flavour.  I suspect you may be very familiar with  Chorizo where you are.

Tuesday 2 Apr

Back to work, loads to do not only with the preparation of printed garments but it is also the end of our VAT quarter and the end of our financial year.  Lots to do with bringing the accounts up to date.
Won £4 on an on-line scratch card!
Mum did the weekly shopping and we finished up yesterday's stew for tea.

Wednesday 3 Apr

The home brew stuff ordered on Monday arrived today - how's that for service?  Got some more Belgian beer and also some "Nelson's Revenge" and 24 plastic bottles to put the ale in.  Thought I'd try bottling it instead of putting it in a barrel.  The barrels seem to have lost their seal which stops the brew brewing.

Thursday 4 Apr

Mum met up with Hannah for lunch in town.  Then in the evening Mum went down to the Winch for a bite to eat with the ladies.  
Our internet connection has been playing up for the last few days, last night was terrible, it would connect for a minute or so and then disconnect for several minutes.  I think I might have to look into getting a new ISP.  It might be worth looking at BT Infinity again.

Friday 5 Apr

Not much in the way of exceptional happenings today.

Saturday 6 Apr

I had today off as apparently this Saturday is the only Saturday this month that Doris can work?!!
Made a start  putting a coat of wood preserver on the shed.  Chose cedar red as this year's colour but you will see from the phots it is quite dark, a little darker than I was expecting.  I took the phots with my iphone, reckon they came out pretty well.  Anyway I got the front done and will do the rest as I fancy it.
This evening we met up with Andrew, Wendy, Nev and Hon down at the Winch for a couple of beers and a bit of a laugh.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter Bank Holiday Edition

Sunday 24 Mar

Hannah came over for Sunday lunch and told us a bit about her new job but spent most of the time looking at the photos on the memory card that you sent us.
Before I forget, I have done the guarantor thingy for the house in Bristol.
It was freezing outside so it was another Sunday in front of the box.  I've got a new game for the ipad - Real Racing 3 - its very good.
I wish the weather would warm up.  Mum got me this year's veggy seeds for Xmas, but its no good planting them yet because the temperature is just too cold.  Every time I look at the garden from the kitchen window I realise there is more to do to tidy it up

Monday 25 Mar

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and double Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.  This cold weather seems to be having an effect on shop takings, its easy to understand that people don't want to go wandering around town when its freezing.  Normal Monday routine, Mum did weekly shopping after work, sausage and mash for tea!

Tuesday 26 Mar

Another cold day, we had all the heaters on in the shop and we all had trouble keeping warm!  I thought it was global warming not global freezing!  
Had a call from Birdshill Nursing home asking me if it was possible to get Granddad a bus pass.  I have contacted Poole Borough Council but these things are not as easy as they first may seem.  They need him to go into their offices in person to apply - you can already see that this causes a problem.  I am waiting for them to call me back with a solution.

Wednesday 27 Mar

A really good day in the shop, loads of people collecting and paying which was nice.
As we were leaving for home it was snowing, not heavily but snowing all the same - it's nearly April for Christ's sake!

Thursday 28 Mar

There was still a dusting of snow this morning but it didn't last too long.
You must be getting bored of me complaining about the cold weather so I won't mention it again until the first BBQ of the year.
Another good day in the shop takings wise.

Good Friday 29 Mar

Me and Nev along with Maria and Louisa (who from now on will be called Doris!) were going to do the annual stock take today but for some unexplained reason Doris couldn't come into work.  Last year, because she needed the extra money she couldn't get in early enough!,  so the stock check has been cancelled.  I expect Me and Nev will do it on Saturday whilst we are open.
I thought I might do a bit in the garden as I have a day off .  I cleared the cat poop from the raised veg beds. Bloody animals are using the beds as toilets!  Not Rhubarb I hasten to add, I think all the local cats have scared the old feller off.  Next doors ginger cat and Rhubes seem to tolerate each other now but there is a new big black cat on the block who seems to dominate the area.
Hannah came round after work and stayed for tea.  I dropped her off back at the flat at about 10pm.  She seems to be settling into her job.

Saturday 30 Mar

Another good day in the shop takings wise and we managed to get the majority of the stock take done too.
Mum had fish and chips for tea and I had Chinese.  I can now look forward to 2 days off as Monday is also a bank holiday, Yippee

Sunday 24 March 2013

Back in Harness Edition

Monday 18 Mar

Heavy frost this morning but the sun was out so I didn't need to scrape the car windows.  
Nothing exceptional happened at work.
Mum did the weekly shopping.
Hannah started her new job, she seemed to enjoy it.  She and Matt stayed overnight, they are travelling to Liverpool tomorrow.  Not bad is it?  Start a new job one day and then go on 2 days holiday!!!

Tuesday 19 Mar

Won £2.00 on an on-line scratch card - which was the sum total of the excitement for today!

Wednesday 20 Mar - Saturday 23 Mar

Heck, I'm sorry, I've not done any blogging this week.  Needless to say nothing much has been happening.  The weather is absolutely crap.  They've had heavy snow falls in the north of the country and floods (yes again) in the South West.  We've been ok here in Taunton but Devon and Cornwall have been hit pretty bad.
This time last year we were in the middle of a mini heat wave with the temperature in the 20s!!  There has to be something in the global warming thingy.

So, I think we'll put this one down for the week and promise to be more newsy next week.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Fuerteventura Holiday Edition

Wednesday 6 Mar

I got up at 04:30, Mum didn't bother going to bed.  Andrew arrived at 05:30 to take us to the airport, for once we were both ready on time.  Hannah got up to see us off.
Uneventful drive to Bristol, check-in went smoothly, boarding went smoothly, plane was not delayed and we took off at 08:30 and landed at Fuerteventura on time at 12:20. We flew by EasyJet. I know it's been quite a few years since we last went but neither Mum or me recognised the airport in any respect.
We found the rep for the transfer to the hotel and were directed to bus stop D1 where we duly waited.......and waited..............and waited some more until over an hour had elapsed, where upon I went back into the arrivals hall to find out what was occurring.  Typically just as I was talking to the rep, the bus turned up!
We were the last to be dropped off and so we had a bit of a tour around Corralejo whilst everyone else on the bus was delivered to their resorts.  First impressions of the Suite Hotel Atlantis Fuerteventura Resort was very positive.  Reception was very efficient and friendly and so we were booked in within a few minutes and off to see our room dump our bags and go in search of a bite to eat as we hadn't eaten since about 0700 and it was now 1630.
A bit of a wander round to get our bearings and to see what was what and where, back to the room to unpack and after dinner we went to the Plaza Bar to sample the local brew.

Thursday 7 Mar

After breakfast we went to collect some beach towels (20 Euros deposit each) then spent the day by the "Quiet Pool", reading and snoozing and although I was sat in the shade I still managed to get burnt!
The view from our room
Went to the Asian restaurant for dinner, it was ok, a help yourself buffet, Mum liked the noodles, the highlight being deep fried ice cream for dessert.

Friday 8 Mar

Took a stroll to the local market.  We were not very impressed.  It might have been because it was out of season but there really wasn't much there.  Africans and Brits selling tat but we did buy a couple of things.  Strolled back to the hotel in time for a beer and lunch.  Spent the afternoon at the quiet pool.  The skies became overcast and we thought we might get some rain but none came.
Spent the evening at the Plaza Bar and had a caricature picture done of us both.  You'll have to wait until you get home to see it, we think its great and it made us both laugh.

Saturday 9 Mar

The Quiet Pool
Woke up to overcast skies but thankfully they didn't last so we wandered down to the beach and watched the "oldest wind surfer" in town launch into the waves. Spent the rest of the day at the quiet pool and had dinner at the El Molino Resaurant which served Spanish Tapas.  It was OK but the staff seemed a bit off and not very friendly.

Mother's Day Sunday 10 Mar

Hannah gave me a card from both you and her, before we left,  to give to Mum, which was nice.  The sun was shining so sat by the quiet pool in the shade but because it felt chilly(?) we both moved into the sun!
I discovered how to get internet on the phone and so in the afternoon I Face Timed Hannah and we had a good old chat.  However, I didn't realise that I had used 3 times my daily data allowance! Oops!
My forehead started to peel badly.
The Quiet Pool Cat
Either we are getting used to the temperature or it is getting cooler in the evening but either way we spent the evening in the lobby bar where we met a Welsh couple from the Rhonda Valley, Colin and June.  Colin only had one leg, the other one being false but he didn't let it get him down.  June said he had lost it in an accident but didn't explain any further so we didn't push it.

Monday 11 Mar

Was woken up by a txt arriving from O2 telling me that if I go over my data allowance again they will remove me from O2 travel and I will have to pay the standard European charge.  Slap on the wrist for me then!
Another day by the pool reading and snoozing.  Both me and Mum finished our books today.
Entrance to the main restaurant
There is a cat that lives by the quiet pool and today we found him fast asleep on a sun bed!
Mum is having some severe reaction to what we think are mosquito bites.  She has one on her arm which is particularly nasty.
Me taking a picture of Mum taking a picture
Mum got a keyring engraved with a photo of you and Han - it looks really good, something else for you to see when you get home.

Tuesday 12 Mar

Took a taxi into town this morning for a bit of retail therapy and a stroll along the sea front.  I saw my yacht had been safely moored in the marina!  I think we managed to get a little Gizzit for everybody.  
Spent the afternoon by the pool, our last chance before leaving to catch some rays.
The email arrived giving details of our departure, so that sort of confirmed it was our last day.
Spent the evening in the lobby bar with the Taffs.  The All Inclusive was supposed to end at 11pm but the very nice chap behind the bar brought us out drinks on the house at about 1130pm.  So a nice end to the holiday.

Wednesday 13 Mar

We travelled home.  The trip went very smoothly with nothing of note happening.
It was a lovely break allowing us to recharge our batteries ready for whatever this year throws at us.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Hannah Moves into her New Flat Edition

Monday 25 Feb to Saturday 03 Mar

The moving day.  Certainly one to remember.  It all started when the letting agent arrived late.  The girls signed and initialled all the relevant documents.  So we follow the lady to read the electric meter, she opens the cupboard to be confronted with several meters and admitted she didn't know which one was for the flat. Trying to be helpful I suggested that it might be the one that was clearly marked 2nd Floor Flat.  But she was not convinced and took a photo so she could check it out back at the office????
Then we went to find and have a look at the garage.  The letting agent thought it was number 2B but the key wouldn't fit - but she said she would check it out back at the office.
We started ferrying Hannah's stuff to the flat.  The letting agent phoned back saying the garage was definitely number 2B and the key was new and so just needed a bit of jiggling.  So we went to have a jiggle to discover that the key didn't fit the lock at all - but it did fit the lock to garage number 2A.  For some reason the letting agent didn't want to come back and read the meter!
So I went back to work and Mum stayed with the girls to help out and offer motherly advice.
After work myself and Nev returned to the flat to put Hannah's new bed together and ferry a few of the heavier bits like the TV.  We returned to find that Mum and the girls had discovered that there was no water in the taps and so they had called the water board and because it was out of hours they couldn't get hold of the letting agents but had managed to contact the Landlord.  The man from the waterboard said there was no problem with the supply to the house so there must be a stop cock turned off somewhere.  But he did deliver a load of bottled water to keep the girls going.  The Landlord found the stop cock (after much searching) in the flat below.  He turned it on and lo there was water.  After congrats all round we all went to have a look around the flat below Han's.   When we got back Nev discovered that Han's kitchen was flooded!
So back down stairs, turn off the stop cock, mop up the flood.  The water was pouring out of the pipe that would feed the washing machine, the tap on it did not work.  Luckily we discovered another isolating valve further back along the pipe work and so we stopped that.  Back downstairs to turn the stop cock back on.  The second valve was holding and so at last the girls had water to the flat but not to the kitchen cold tap.  The Landlord said he would arrange for a plumber to call the next day to rectify the fault.  (he was true to his word a plumber did arrive the very next day and fix it).
Myself and Nev then set about putting together Hannah's new bed, which went smoothly (thankfully).  Then it was back to our house to collect the TV and Fred the Ted.
Han treated us all to a MacDonald's for supper and Mum and me got home about 10:30.  Certainly was a day to remember.
On Tuesday we popped in again to deliver a couple of items of furniture from the flat above the shop that no one wanted, but would come in handy for Han and Chan until they find something else.
Popped in again on Thursday evening to put together a flat packed chest of drawers that Han had delivered to Wyatts Field.  They delivered at 7.30am!!  Good old Argos!!  Didn't manage to get it all done so am having to go to the flat again, probably on Saturday.
Back to the flat on Saturday to finish off the chest of drawers.  Meant to get a few phots of the place but I forgot,  but I expect Han will put some on FB eventually, if she hasn't already.
So, the girls are settling into the flat and Mum and me are trying to get used to it being just us in the house alone.  It seems a little strange.  Han is moving back in next week to house sit and look after Rhubarb whilst we are in Fuerteventura.
Guess what the next edition is going to be called?

Monday 25 February 2013

The Selfish Edition

Sunday 17 Feb

A nice bright sunny day for a change, still a little chilly but it was nice to see the sun.  Changed the other headlight bulb in the car.  It wasn't quite the nightmare I was expecting but still not as easy as it should have been.

Monday 18 Feb

I forgot to tell you that because of a Council cock-up we have been able to park all day in town for nothing. The Council spent something like £3 million to move the grass from outside the museum and behind what was the Winchester Arms to what was a perfectly good and income generating car park on the other side of the road that leads into the Castle Hotel.  Apparently the idea was to make an "open space".  But because of some legal shenanigans they cannot prevent cars parking in this new "open space"!  The County Gazette have got hold of the story and instead of berating the Council for an ill conceived project (that very few people wanted) they have dubbed us that park there as "Selfish".  They took photos over several days and guess who's car is in them all?!  This free car park saves us £46.80 a week in car parking charges that we were paying to park at the Brewhouse.  Even the traffic wardens laugh when they pass by!

Tuesday 19 Feb

Guess where we parked again today - selfish or what!

Wednesday 20 Feb

Frosty again this morning.  
Heard on the news that the Brewhouse Theatre is closing this evening after the last performance.
Looks like they have run out of funds.  The recession is really starting to bite now, Comet the
electrical retailer has gone broke, Blockbuster the video/DVD sale and hire has closed down, Game has gone, HMV will be closing what will be next?

Thursday 21 Feb

Mum went out with the ladies this evening.  They went for a bite to eat and a natter in the Cosy Club, leaving me and Han to cope by ourselves, which we did, just!

Friday 22 Feb

Another of those get up, go to work, come home, have tea, watch tv and go to bed sort of days!

Saturday 23 Feb

Went over to see grandad today. Got there about 12:30 to find the old feller in bed.  The sister said he had decided not to get up and so didn't.  But he did cheer up when he saw I had bought along a bottle of wine and another of whiskey.  
I got home in time to watch England thrash the French 23-13 in the Six Nations.  England's grand slam hopes remain alive

Sunday 17 February 2013

Valentine's Day Edition

Sunday 10 Feb.

The washing machine broke on Saturday.  Went and collected the new one on Sunday and was installing it when you rang.  It was good to have a chat with you, but I think both Mum and myself forgot to ask if you had managed to get your tooth sorted out.

Monday 11 Feb.

Got a touch of the gout back in my left big toe.

Tuesday 12 Feb

Pancake Day.  Pancakes for tea!

Wednesday 13 Feb.

Spring must be nearly here, the cherry tree at the front of the house has started to blossom.

Thursday 14 Feb

Valentines Day!  Mum and me exchanged cards.  Hannah was working late and Matt had an early start so they didn't see each other on the most romantic day of the year.  Hope everything is ok with them both.

Friday 15 Feb

Nightmare day at work.  My computer wouldn't start properly, had to call our friendly geek.  Thankfully he managed to talk me through a process over the phone that got things up and running again, but the time that it took put me back a couple of hours and so spent the rest of the day trying to catch up.

Saturday 16 Feb

It was Nev's turn for a Saturday off and so it was just me and Sabrina in the shop.  A very good day takings wise.
In the evening we went to Nev and Honours for (what has become) the traditional Valentines meal.  The food as always was fabulous and it gave Hon the chance to use her heart shaped stuff, plates, decorations and the like.  We came away from the table utterly stuffed but it was sooooooo nice.  Apart from us, Andrew and Wendy and Andy and Deb (Brown) were there too.
Sorry no phots this week.

Sunday 10 February 2013

The Man Flu Edition

The Peruvian team in National dress
I've been feeling pretty unwell this week.  Reckon it is a serious case of Man Flu.  Andrew has had the same so we reckon we picked up a lurgy at the Beer Pong night.  So instead of writing a few lines each day, I've decided to summarise the week in one go
I guess the big news of the week is that Hannah went for a job interview on Friday.   I'm led to believe it is a full time position but on the down side it is in Wellington. She is desperate to get away from the Card Factory.  However I do see where she is coming from, even with the bus fares, it being a full time job she is still going to be better off financially.  The hourly rate is better too but (and there always is a but) they will want her to do night shifts. The best news is that they contacted her on Saturday to let her know she got the job! Not sure when she is due to start, she has to do CRB checks and hand in her notice to the Card Factory etc.  But I suspect she would be more than happy to start tomorrow!

I have checked the Abbey Beer twice now.  In other words I have drunk two bottles - wow it blows yer socks off!   So my concerns about it being flat are unfounded!

The winners
On Tuesday we went to see Hannah's new flat.  It is in Park Street, above Rhona Gilmore's, opposite the law courts.  Happily surprised, it is really quite sizeable, I really like it.  Both Hannah and Shan have a double bedroom each, then there is a large lounge, kitchen and bathroom and enough room in the hallway to have a party!!!!  On Monday we went over to Hankridge to get her a new bed and mattress from Benson Beds which is due to be delivered on moving in day (Monday 25 Feb).

Reuben says Hi
The Peruvian Team in action
Did I mention that Mum and Me are off to Fuerteventura for a week in the sun?  Thought it was about time we had a holiday.  Both Nev and myself are confident enough with the business now to allow the other to take some time off.  We fly off on the morning of Wednesday March 06 from Bristol Airport.  Andrew is going to drive us to save us paying for parking.  We are staying for a week in the Suite Hotel Atlantis in Corralejo.  I can't wait, I'm really looking forward to the break and the chance to recharge the batteries.  Mum was going through the "Brown Family Archive" and discovered that we last went to Fuerteventura in 1997!  Can you believe that was 16 years ago!  We stayed at the Castillo Playa Apartments then, and you and Han spent more time in the pool than there were hours in the day! Happy Times.  This was our first holiday after Disney.  I bet you can't remember the name of the restaurant we went to a couple of times, the one where the ice cream desserts were so big you and Han had to share one and still didn't finish it!  It was called the El Mahay.  I've tried to find it on the web but it looks like it may have closed down.  Such a shame, the food was fab and they made such a fuss of you and Han.
Andrew trying to talk it in!

Sorry about the phots but I thought you would like to see the Peruvian Beer Pong Team in all their glory!

Thursday 7 February 2013

The Beer Pong Edition

Sunday 27 Jan

Chill out day.  Ate some food, drank some wine, watched some telly.

Monday 28 Jan.

Han got news that she and Shan have passed all the checks and have got the flat.  They are planning to move  in around 25 Feb.  I guess that will give them a little time to get stuff together etc.

Tuesday 29 Jan

Won £10.00 with an on-line scratch card!
Went to the Winch this evening with Mum, Han and Matt, for a bite to eat and a couple of beers.  Made a nice change from sitting in front of the telly.  It was "Burger and a Beer" night, so I had beef stroganoff and Mum had fish and chips!

Wednesday 30 Jan


Thursday 31 Jan

Bought a couple of cases of Cusquena in preparation for Josh's Birthday Beer Pong evening on Saturday.  Myself and Andrew are forming the Peruvian team.  Full update on Sunday if I've recovered by then!

Friday 1 Feb

Won £2.00 with an on-line scratch card.  It cost £2 so I really only got my money back!
Opened a bottle of the Abbey Beer which I bottled about a month ago.  I was expecting it to be flat but to my surprise it was just right.  Another couple of weeks maturing and it should be ready for drinking.

Saturday 2 Feb

BEER PONG NIGHT!  Went round to Nev's at about 7.30 pm.  Cracking night.  The Shite Shirts went down a treat (they are now known as the native dress of Peru).  Some how, after losing three out of four games myself and Andrew made it to the semi final?!  Not sure how that worked out.  In the end I think we came third but it didn't really matter - it was just really good fun. Ended up drinking far too much and got home around 4am!
Josh's team won (and rightly so - it was his Birthday Do after all), the picture shows the winning team sporting their "Champions T-Shirts" printed by Imprints!

Sunday 3 Feb

Recovery Day!  Oh dear I didn't feel too good.
But on a happier note I booked me and Mum on a holiday to Fuerteventura in March.  I figured we hadn't been on holiday for far too long.  Just a week in the sun, I'm really looking forward to it.

Sunday 27 January 2013

The Second Snow of 2013

Sunday 21 Jan

Bit of a lazy day really.  Nearly signed up for BT Broadband infinity. (its their really super-fast broadband service) but for some reason they said we would have to change our tel number?  Not sure we want to go through all the hassle of doing that.  I might give them a call tomorrow to see if this is really the case.

Monday 22 Jan

Looks like Han and her mate Shan have found a flat they would like.  Its in Park Street, by Rhona Gilmore, which is almost opposite the County Court.  Hope that gives you an idea of where it is. We've just got to wait for all the credit checks and legal stuff to be done.

Tuesday 23 Jan

A quiet day in the shop.  Serious dump of snow this afternoon and evening.  This should mean that the country will descend into utter chaos as far as transportation is concerned.

Wednesday 24 Jan

Snowed again for most of the morning but it had all stopped by lunch time.  Hannah built a snowman in the garden but sadly, not long after it was built the head fell off.

Thursday 25 Jan

Hey! I've just bought some Cusquena Peruvian beer.  Its really not bad.  Have you tried it?

Friday 26 Jan

I think I'm getting another gout attack.  My left big toe is getting really quite sore.  
Some serious rain this evening has washed away almost all of the snow.  There is just a little mound where Han's snowman stood.

Saturday 27 Jan

Definitely a gout attack, sore toe again today.  I think I'll blame it on the Cusquena, although I only had one!
.......or was it 2!
Han is at Matt's this evening.  Fish and chips for tea - thought it may make a nice change, haven't had them for some time.
Sunny morning but more heavy rain this evening.
Comeytrowe lane is flooded again.  Think Andrew is getting a little worried, that sharp corner where you turn into New Rd was also flooded.

Sunday 20 January 2013

The First Snow of 2013 Edition

Sunday 13 Jan.

Hooray - Mum managed a full night in bed.  The first time since Christmas!
Bottled the Gran Cru (home-made Belgian beer) and put the Christmas decorations back in the loft for another year.
Han said she has found a flat she would like to  have a look at.  Its one of those new ones at the bottom of Compass Hill.  She said she thought it was about time she had her own place as she would be 25 this year.

Monday 14 Jan.

Han checked with the agents but the flat had already been snapped up, so she's back to looking again.
Spent quite a lot of time phoning customers that owe us money, some debts going back to June last year.  Most of them know they owe us and give some pretty pathetic excuses why they haven't paid.

Tuesday 15 Jan.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report today.  Hannah is staying over at Collumpton with Matt tonight.  Forgot to tell you, I got Nev and Andrew a Shite shirt each so we should look out of this world on the next curry night!  Phots to follow!

Wednesday 16 Jan.

Mum went down the Winch with the ladies this evening, leaving Hannah and me to fend for ourselves.  Han fancied pizza but I didn't and knocked myself up a pork stir fry.

Thursday 17 Jan.

Ummmmmmmm!  Something must have happened today but for the life of me I can't remember it!

Friday 18 Jan.

Woke up to snow this morning.  To be honest we were expecting it.  The media have been trying to do their normal thing of creating panic by talking of blizzards and of over exaggerating the situation.
The news this evening was full of doom and gloom - traffic disruption on the roads and railways and flights cancelled!  Its just a bit of snow for Christ's sake!
Having said that we closed the shop at 4pm to day because it was so slow.  First time we have ever done that!
Good to hear you on the phone this evening.  Sorry to hear about your toothache - you must get it sorted out though.

Saturday 19 Jan

What little snow we did have stayed overnight as the temperature stayed below zero but we didn't get any more.  It seems that Wales and the area near to Gloucester got the worst (or best) of it!
Good day in the shop with the traditional bacon and egg roll in the morning from Pain et Vin.
Han has decided to share a flat with a work mate to make it more affordable.  I think it is a good idea as long as they don't fall out with each other within the first  week.  So we are now looking for a two bed flat in Taunton.

Sunday 13 January 2013

The Shite Shirt Edition

My Shite Shirt

Sunday 6 Jan

Hoorah!  Mum managed to get to bed last night and  get some proper sleep.
It was a misty morning but Hannah cycled into work.
Normal Sunday chores then had a bit of a tidy in the shed - getting rid of the empty bottles and cardboard boxes ready for recycling.
One of the draw fronts' on the kitchen cabinets fell off.  Well I say fell off but it is more likely that it was forced off by the amount of stuff that was crammed into the draw.  Hopefully I can repair it.
Then it was lazy Sunday afternoon in front of the box.

Monday 7 Jan

Another rough night on the sofa has persuaded Mum to go to the doctor's.  They've given her some pills which will hopefully do the trick.
Hannah departed for Centre Parcs  at Longleat with Matt and his family.  They are spending the week there. Hope they have a great time.
Louisa is back at work.

Tuesday 8 Jan

On the way home this evening it became apparent that one of the bulbs in the headlights has blown.  I shall have to make a trip to Halfords tomorrow to get another.

Wednesday 9 Jan.

You'd think changing the headlight bulb would be quite simple?  I discovered this evening that it wasn't as simple as you may think!  I was going to change both but when I opened the bonnet I discovered that to change the driver's side bulb (thankfully the one that had blown) you had to remove the windscreen washer filler tube to get to the back of the fitting, then because of the layout you had to change the unit blind because you can't see anything!  I think I managed it.  The passenger side is another problem altogether, you have to remove the battery and its holder before you can even think about the bulb!  I didn't go there this time!

Thursday 10 Jan.

My Shite Shirt in all it's glory - ain't it fab!
Went out for a curry this evening with Andrew and Nev.  We went to the Blue Mango which used to be The Westgate Inn at the bottom of Compass Hill.  They've done a really good job of converting the pub into a restaurant and the food was delicious.
Mum is still battling the bug and has spent most night sleeping on the sofa.

Friday 11 Jan

Han and Matt returned from Centre Parcs and then immediately left again to go to Collumpton, I expect we will hear all about it when they get back tomorrow.

Saturday 12 Jan

Picked up Han and Mum from Sainsbury's on the way home.  They decided they were going to watch "Ice Age 4" on the blue-ray.  Yeah! OK, I watched it too!  So peanuts, crisps, pop-corn and a movie for Saturday evening - can't be bad!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Happy New Year

Sunday 30 Dec.

Both Mum and me are feeling pretty grotty, this bug has certainly taken hold of us.
I bottled the Abbey Beer today.  Not sure how well it will turn out, the fermentation wasn't as vigorous as in past brews which is why I left it a bit longer to do its stuff.  I also set the Gran Cru to brew.  Hopefully it will all be ready for the first "Shed Do" of 2013.  I'm guessing somewhere around March!

New Year's Eve.

 We decided not to go to Kent.  To be honest we are both still feeling rough and we didn't want to pass this bug on to Nan. Amazingly Hannah hasn't caught it off us (yet!)!  Nev tried to persuade us to go around to theirs to celebrate the New Year with them but we really didn't feel up to it.  Then later in the evening we had a phone call from Andrew (who, with Wendy, were at the Fish's) trying to persuade us to come round.  We had scrambled eggs on toast for tea!
Mum spoke to Nan a little after Midnight to discover that the only people that turned up at Nan's house were Graham, Jo and Greg.  It seems that everyone else has gone down with this bug, even Terry and Ann!
So we had a strange New Year, just the two of us, sniffling, sneezing and coughing our way into 2013!

New Year's Day.

Woke up this morning still feeling crap but at least the sun is shining and the sky is blue and we haven't seen that for quite some time.
Won £2.00 on an on-line lottery scratch card!  It cost £2.00 so I only got my money back.  Fingers crossed for tonight, they are making 25 millionaires.

Wednesday 2 Jan

Mum spent the night on the sofa because every time she lies down she starts coughing.
Needless to say we weren't one of the lucky 25!
Back to work today.  Louisa phoned in sick with toothache!

Thursday 3 Jan.

Mum spent the night on the sofa again.  Can't be good for her.
Louisa called in sick again and asked for the rest of the week as holiday.  There is always an ulterior reason with  everything Louisa does, I wonder what this one is.

Friday 4 Jan.

Another night on the sofa for Mum.  I feel a lot better.
I noticed the rhubarb is sprouting already.  I think this may be a little early in the year even for rhubarb.  The weather has turned really mild again.
Mum took down the Christmas decorations today, so that's its over for another year.

Saturday 5 Jan.

Yet another night on the sofa for Mum.  She just can't seem to get rid of this cough.
After work picked up Mum from Sainsbury's, she said she needed to get out of the house for some fresh air.
Popped around to Nev's to replace the electric isolator pull switch for their shower and then picked up Han from work.
A bit of Wyatts Field news - Graham Rogers (at number 8) has moved out of the house.  Mum over-heard on the bus that Mrs Rogers had died.  The place is now standing empty, so I expect we will have new people in the street before long.
And that's our first week of 2013.  not exactly the most exciting start to 2013!